- February 2025
- Note: Should have said it last Friday, but the Heartworms album is probably going to end up as my album of the year. Can't stop listening to it
- "And, today, the snow did not look like a killing blanket but like a tender coverlet designed to keep the cold away from germinating seeds." Sarah Walters says in the forward “it’s also the most...
- "There are many reasons, most of them good ones, why a woman should want to murder her husband." I mean, in the grand scheme of things, she’s not...
- "Outside the window, there slides past that unimaginable and deserted vastness where night is coming on, the sun declining in ghastly blood-streaked splendour like a public execution across, it would seem, half a continent, where live only beads and shooting stars and the wolves who lap congealing ice from water that holds within it the entire sky." Beautiful.
- "Farewell, old man. And from the coffin of your madness there is no escape." First book of the Christmas book haul done. Since then...
- January 2025
- Apple Watch Series 3 Five Years On Five years on it’s still going pretty strong: It has...
- Note: (Ma: Torture those privileged white kids. The token black teen and token poor white mum didn't balance it out)
- Note: Watched Ma because Netflix said I'd love it based on Ready Or Not. But 2/5. A bit teeny and mostly I was rooting for Ma.
- Note: Watched Ready Or Not. 5/5. It knows what it wants to do (even if the viewer doesn't), sets out and pulls it all together by the end.
- » Drinkaware I’m not doing dry January (why make an already hard...
- December 2024
- » My Music Picks Of The Year Highlights of the highlights? Could I pick a top ten?...
- Taskwarrior 3 on NetBSD Notes If I have time (“ha ha ha ha”; I’m also...
- Note: Bored already. :/
- Note: Finished work for Christmas. Yay!
- Note: Well are... are you gonna sing a song or something? Or can I just go back to work?
- November 2024
- November Noise But a lot from October. OneDa: Formula OneDa. I was...
- "The shovel was almost as tall as she was. A few days shy of her thirteenth birthday, and even for twelve and eleven twelfths, Sydney Clarke was small. She had always been on the short side, but it certainly didn't help that she had barely grown an inch since the day she'd died." I’ve got The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue on my...
- October 2024
- A Short List Of Countries Committing Or Complicit In Genocide Israel United Kingdom United States of America Germany A follow-up...
- "She went to him. She adjusted, became a quieter more subdued person. She didn't kill, but she seemed to die a little." Re-reading from many years ago. Even though it’s set in...
- "No one played songs here. No one listened to music or told stories. They didn't even realise not doing those things made them bad people." Been on my reading list for awhile and managed to...
- September 2024
- September Sounds Quickly, before the month ends, here’s what I’ve actually listened...
- Note: Kaeto: Bold move releasing an album/mixtape without No Body and Don't Ask on. But still six billion out of ten.
- RIP Banana Hat When I stopped cycling I envisaged having about three years...
- » Code The City Despite being in Aberdeen for seventeen years this is the...
- "Such were the thoughts of the young Mrs Touchet. Much later, when she was older, she wished she'd voiced them. At the time, four talkative men - two of them jovial, one vampiric, and the last just incredibly loud - were altogether too much for her. They were four sides of a box through which no noise of her own could escape." I’ll try to leave it as just three quotes. I...
- "Not for the first time Mrs Touchet was struck by how much more passion maybe aroused by phantom damage done to female 'honour' than by anything actually done to a woman herself." I am trying to restrain myself and not blog all...
- "Even as an adolescent, William fatally overestimated the literary significance of weather" I finally got around to joining the library so more...
- "Try a strap or belt at shoulder width around the elbow crease. I swear it gives me magic super powers. It's so easy and comfy for me, I can stay up for a while, come up and down on my toes, walk in a bit. All good. Without a belt I got nothing and I'm just hanging out on the top of my head." Amazing tip I found on Reddit for getting into the...
- August 2024
- Note: Maybe one day will figure out something more self-hosted than Strava embeds
- "The salon reminded Janet of the lunatic asylum. People came in, looking normal and cheerful. They were ushered by white-coated, unctuous attendants into a neon-lit inner torture chamber of throbbing machines. There they say, gowned and scarlet-faced and in no time at all they had lost their identity, their features had lapsed and swollen in the intense heat, their hair bristled with small metal daggers or their scalps were packed with wiry cylinders. Glassy-eyed, they gazed into the mirrors. Hope ebbed from the day." Ending with a long one and a great one. That’s...
- "That year the daffodils would wait no longer. They forced their way through the earth's chill carapace and bloomed in the tarnished snow. At once a wild wind swept in from the west and whirled them into crazed confusion, snapping the stems, tearing off the golden trumpets, tossing and flattening the survivors." Many memories of the poor daffodils doing just this.
- "'The last throes of winter,' they said, each time this happened." Global warming has changed things, but this was true not...
- "No one lived as far north as she. Hector was there to meet her at Aberdeen station. There was a sparsely decorated Christmas tree at the end of the platform." Loved how many mentions of Aberdeen there were.
- "Fortunately, at St Uncumba's Halloween was not celebrated, for it was an evil pagan ritual. Instead they lit a enormous bonfire and burned a human effigy."
- "Janet had dealt with this new hazard in her life: she had perfected a technique of simultaneously seizing the assailant's hair, walloping him on the nose and kneeing him between the legs. Her virtue had remained intact." This book is funny, but really, underneath, it’s deeply sad....
- "You know I can't be doing with them. They never stop talking, especially Melanie. Typical English." By this definition I must actually be Scottish.
- "The dentist was in Aberdeen, forty miles away, an unending journey by car." Aberdeen is actually an unending journey from anywhere.
- July 2024
- Nike Juniper Trail 1 Just a short post to say I managed to get...
- Proportionate Sentencing Presented with minimal comment since I don’t trust the law....
- Note: Two Shell --> Wargasm --> Clairo. Why not?
- Note: You can teach an old dog new tricks: Floss has learnt to catch a frisbee. Not young enough to jump, but she'll get up onto her back legs.
- June 2024
- Note: Skipping watching Glastonbury for six hour roundtrip to see LCD Soundsystem.
- June Jams I was stupidly too lazy to do a May Music...
- Note: Disclosure 10/10
- Note: Mike Skinner is even more Glastonbury than Chris Martin
- Note: Cyndi Lauper has aged AWESOMELY
- Note: Dua Lipa nailed it. That looked so much fun.
- "For in winter the champagne brightness of the air and the sociability of the streets are grateful" My daughter got me a very pretty Penguin Little Clothbound...
- May 2024
- » Repeat The least surprised person is me. Started as a much...
- Note: Hmm, weird, cert renewed, but didn't reload for some reason. Was semi-offline for bit
- Note: Finally got around to updating my opendkim keys and moving to 2048 bits from 1024
- "Agnes rooted around in her mother's curler bag. She took out the Embassy packet and put two cigarettes in her mouth. She took a long draw and held the smoke inside for a long while. "Jesus can't pay my catalogue"." True.
- Note: Upgraded to NetBSD 9.4. Don't seem to have broken anything. Saving 10 for when I have a lot more time.
- "Without a word, each man collected a handful of thin children, who followed obediently, like reverential shadows."
- "He locked the door that lay behind his eyes and walked away, leaving the body, the plaster dust, the flask of cold tea, and the angry gaffer behind."
- Note: Listened to the Steve Albini tribute mix on Mary Anne Hobbs' show :-(
- » When do we stop finding new music? Read this recently and am glad I am bucking the...
- "He poured her a phosphorescent glass of diluting juice, but she held her hand out in refusal." I should probably try to find something else to post...
- April 2024
- "Our nurses are now the truest practitioners of the healing art. If every Scottish, Welsh and English doctor and surgeon dropped suddenly dead, eighty percent of those admitted to our hospitals would recover if the nursing continued." Probably some truth to that.
- Note: Oh, what a surprise, Labour too with that last note
- Note: Fuck the UK/England/Tories: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68848046
- "I clenched my teeth and fists to stop them biting and scratching these clever men who want no care for the helpless sick small, who use religions and politics to stay comfortably superior to all that pain: who make religions and politics, excuses to spread misery with fire and sword and how could I stop all this?" Tories. (But also sadly now labour too).
- Note: RAINBOWS totally makes Dead Pony's IGNORE THIS album for me. Superb track.
- "Modern industry finds it cheaper to hire hands for days or weeks - when not needed they are free to beg work from other masters. When many free men are begging for work the masters are free to lower wages." Written before zero-hour contracts were a thing.
- "For a moment I feared he was trying to smother himself, then muffler eruptions showed he was using it to absorb glandular evacuations." The only comical and descriptive bit of prose I’m including....
- "How lovely, God, to waken all alone, and bath and dress alone, and eat alone. When we get married Candle, we must spend some time apart to stop us going stale." True. I am fortunate enough to have seen the film...
- April Audio I thought last year was really good for music, but...
- » Lorena, the light-footed woman On a related note, watched this recently on Netflix (twice!)...
- March 2024
- "Most people probably don’t know, but I’ve got no anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee, because I tore it when I was 17 and never had reconstructive surgery." What?! I was amazed at her before this, now I’m...
- Album of the year: Marika Hackman: Big Sigh Calling it as my album of the year. Actually meant...
- Brief notes on reading exFAT on macOS Had to scan some photos recently (on a much more...
- Note: Listened to Clara Amfo's last show. Wasn't sure initially she'd fill Annie Mac's shoes, but she made it her own and I'm going to miss her.
- "The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next." Last one from this book.
- "Berosty looked up at him as slow as if the hinge in his neck had rusted, and said, 'Did you ask them when I would die, then?'" Just for the “neck had rusted” bit. [EDIT: 2024-03-28] Came...
- "The Orgota seemed not an unfriendly people, but incurious; they were colourless, steady, subdued. I liked them." Ha. [EDIT: 2024-03-28] Came back to add a comment after...
- "I suspect that the distinction between a maternal and a paternal instinct is hardly worth making; the parental instinct, the wish to protect, to further, is not a sex-linked characteristic." Feels like a brave statement to me from when this...
- "A man wants his virility regarded, a woman wants her femininity appreciated, however indirect and subtle the indications of regard and appreciation. On Winter they will not exist. One is respected and judged only as a human being. It is an appalling experience." I recently did about twenty hours of coach travel (stark...
- Note: Lisa Frankenstein: Brilliantly bonkers. 10000/10.
- February 2024
- Switched to Android I recently switched to Android. I got a Pixel 7a...
- "Armed with his $3.5 million Stradivarius violin, Bell pitched up at the top of an escalator in a metro station in Washington DC during morning rush hour, put a hat in the ground to collect donations and performed for 43 minutes... By the end of his performance, Bell had collected a measly $32.17 in his hat." From the Art chapter. Not my kind of gig so...
- "And that's what happened with Air France flight 447. Although Bonin had accumulated thousands of hours in an Airbus cockpit, his actual experience of flying an A330 by hand was minimal. His role as a pilot had mostly been to monitor the automatic system. It meant that when the autopilot disengaged during that evening's flight, Bonin didn't know how to fly the plane safely." About planes, but from the Cars chapter. And this is...
- Running Taskwarrior via launchd As (somewhat*) recently mentioned I switched back to Taskwarrior. On...
- January 2024
- Note: Marika Hackman's is probably my favourite so far. Just.
- Note: Wonder if The Reytons will release an album next January as well?
- Note: In lieu of an actual post: Albums from Sprints, Marika Hackman, The Reytons and NewDad. All in January!
- "And it's Bayes' theorem that explains why - even if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer - the level of error in the tests means you probably don't have it." Got this book for Christmas from Little M. It’s very...
- Rust Notes I finally got around to writing a teeny Rust program....
- » My 2023 Spotify playlist in a bottle Forgotten I’d done this. The playlist doesn’t show the categories...
- "Now John’s gone there’s nobody I know in my age group who remotely likes this kind of thing. I don’t understand why. I’m driven by it." Incorrectly, she wasn’t as big a deal for me as...
- December 2023
- Note: On-call capability: Fine unless it involves WebEx
- » My Music Picks Of The Year Until I get bored, I am enjoying doing this. Here’s...
- Note: Boursin, Ritz crackers and a glass of red wine: Peak Christmas.
- » Glastonbury 2023: What actually happened And to go hand in hand here’s a playlist of...
- » Glastonbury 2023: What I wanted to see Approaching the end of year, so better late than never...
- Note: Merry Christmas internets.
- "I remembered my own classrooms, dance classes, playgrounds, youth groups, birthday parties, hen nights, I remember there was always a girl with a secret, with something furtive and broken in her, and walking through the village with Aimee, entering people’s homes, shaking their hands, accepting their food and drink, being hugged by their children, I often thought I saw her again, this girl who lives everywhere and at all times in history, who is sweeping the yard or pouring out tea or carrying somebody else’s baby on her hip and looking over at you with a secret she can’t tell." Oof. That’s some sentence.
- "But I was not a tourist and those were my salad days of impossible heels."
- » Practice Guide for Computer Would do well to remind myself of this.
- A Short List Of Terrorist Organisations Hamas Government of Israel Government of United Kingdom Government of...
- November 2023
- October 2023
- "He’d become one of those people he’d once liked to tell me about, that he met on his route and had always pitied, old boys in their house slippers watching afternoon shows until the evening shows began, seeing hardly anyone, doing nothing." Might have some more quotes from this at some point...
- "Her favourite thing in life was to see conflict resolved, any conflict, and so my mother was a great resource for her: everywhere she went she made conflict, which Miriam then had to resolve." Got this book for Fathers’ Day. Steadily making my way...
- Album of the year long list (so far) Definitely not a short list. Doja Cat: Scarlet Say She...
- Note: Went to see Mitski talk about cats. Would go see again.
- September 2023
- Note: Read this and was jealous of Martin https://pudding.cool/2023/09/invisible-epidemic/
- » Nobody's Driving I’m still reading Positive News and I have once again...
- Making do, mending, getting by (redux) Of sorts, although things aren’t that bad. I somewhat recently...
- Dead Pony At Tunnels In what seems to have become my (sole) annual benefit...
- Note: The Great! Christmas Movie channel has started, but I'm not allowed to watch it yet. I am defnitely not the grinch in this family.
- Note: Also, third time lucky in finally getting to Tunnels. Missed OK Button in 2019 and The Reytons in 2021. Had tickets for both.
- Note: Been to see Dead Pony at Tunnels in Aberdeen on first night of their tour. 200% awesome. Tina Sandwich great too.
- August 2023
- Music Like Other Music I can’t be bothered with a post catching up on...
- Note: Went to see The Ocean at the End of the Lane. 10/10. Marvellously magical
- » Big Issue E-Bikes Aberdeen Belatedly writing this, as usual, but “recently” I finally had...
- » Rip Bram Moolenaar A few days late mentioning and linking to this, but...
- » Groovy Extension For Nova Has taken me three months to do this (obviously not...
- July 2023
- » Positive News Something else I meant to mention (way) before now*. The...
- Note: Deleted my Twitter account seeing as how it's no longer Twitter anyway. Shame.
- Note: Absolutely gutted for Cav. So unfair.
- "What she had begun to learn was the weight of liberty. Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward towards the light; but the laden traveller may never read it." Another book I’ve had since Christmas (?); I’ve got the...
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- April Audio Not so much new stuff this month. For no particular...
- "What else are you tired of? I don't know. You're getting there, BZ said. Getting where? Where I am" I should sort my quote stuff so it can do...
- "I try not to think of dead things and plumbing" Poignant once you know the context.
- "From my mother I inherited my looks and a tendency to migraine. From my father I inherited an optimism which did not leave me until recently." I’ve had this book for months (gift from my daughter)...
- Note: Testing shouting into the void
- "This is a notice that your app - atomicules.co.uk - has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API. Please visit developer.twitter.com to sign up to our new Free, Basic or Enterprise access tiers. More information can be found on our developer community forums." I need to untangle my Twitter integration for notes. I...
- March 2023
- March Music My Early fears were unfounded. I now can’t keep up...
- » Belmont Cinema Following on from last time some decent progress has been...
- Mostly Walking The Dogs I am thinking of changing my tag line here from...
- Note: Crème de cacao, tequila, amaretto, some leftover chocolate sauce from M&S from pancake day. Good times.
- February 2023
- January 2023
- The Reytons: What's Rock And Roll? If you are like me (unlikely), you got to mid...
- "Well, why don't you go next door and see what the neighbours are having?" From right at the start of the book, but one...
- » Pkgsrc Wip Package For Libvips Updated To 8.14.1 About all I can manage at the moment as far...
- "Our weapon is photography, a little black box carrying rays of light and peace" Beautiful. From the Pavlovka Pinhole Photography Festival exhibit at Aberdeen...
- Compromising On My Compromise Colour me unsurprised, but my plan to cut my running...
- December 2022
- Note: Wishing we could go back to the heady days of the pandemic when we actually believed that next year things would get better.
- Note: As it turns out, last year was the last year of doing Just Dance for NYE with the younger daughter. She's 16 now. I'll take that.
- » My Music Picks Of 2022 As per last year I’m just going to link to...
- Succumbed To Dovecot I finally succumbed and set up Dovecot on my server....
- A Budget For Money And Time For Next Year The atomicules moniker came about when I was trying to...
- Note: Daughter: 'Who actually looks at the Radio bit in RadioTimes?!' Me: Surreptitiously circling The Willows and Uncanny Christmas on Radio 4
- Note: Thought about Mastodon, but decided to take this opportunity to be my true anti-social self. Stuff will syndicate out until it breaks.
- November 2022
- October 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
- August Audio This year continues to be ridiculously good for new albums....
- ""I don't care how many toilets I got to jump in," she said. "I ain't goin back to Mallard."" And with that have finished spamming my own site for...
- "She could mirror her sister, mimic her voice, inhabit her body in her own. She felt special, knowing that she could pretend to be Stella but Stella could never be her." The second book, also chosen because of the cover (it’s...
- "It came to her in successive waves, an ebb and flow. When the first wave arrived, barely touching her toes, it was so light and translucent a ripple that you might be forgiven for thinking it insignificant, that it would vanish soon, leaving no trace. But then followed another wave, and the next one, rising as far as her ankles, and the one after covering her knees, and before you knew it she was immersed in liquid pain, up to her neck, drowning." Oof. Last one from that book. It really was beautiful....
- "...and that is how Kostas Kazantzakis slow shut himself off, carving an island for himself inside an island, retreating into silence."
- "The ground that feels rock hard to others is choppy waters for our kind"
- "Struggling with the fear that she might flip over or the metal chains might break off, he would push her harder, and then, as the swing came back, he would have to move out of the way to make space for her. And so it was, this back and forth, with the father ceding space to his daughter so she could have her freedom." Been on holiday so actually got to read two whole...
- July 2022
- June 2022
- May 2022
- May Music There were four albums out on the same day I...
- Static IPv6 for NetBSD on Linode SLAAC thanks to dhcpcd makes IPv6 very much magical and...
- Computerless With the recent sky high electricity prices (well, I thought...
- An Apathetic Review of the Hylo Run 2 Apathetic because my running has taken a huge hit after...
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- October 2021
- "Early in the Summer, Melanie stole six untouched Biggles books from his room, smuggled them to a town on a cheap day excursion and sold them at a secondhand bookshop in order to buy a set of false eyelashes with the proceeds." I had Nights At The Circus on my reading list,...
- "His eyes become a cliff of snow threatening to avalanche; his eyebrows bend back like black limbs of leafless trees." There are more commonly quoted (and pertinent) bits from this...
- Note: Bittersweet: Putting together a new setup for my daughter and teaching her to skateboard... I gave up just before she was born.
- September 2021
- August 2021
- July 2021
- June 2021
- Wolf Alice: Blue Weekend Since I had posts for the other two… Favourites: Smile...
- Note: Upgraded my server to NetBSD 9.2. As usual I forgot that all my notes, etc about upgrading are on the server. Seems to have gone ok though.
- Conditionally Linking Stuff In Netbsd Makefiles Based On Compile Options I run a forked/patched version of Bozohttpd so I can...
- May 2021
- April 2021
- March 2021
- Semi-automatically switching kubectl versions I can’t be the only one that has this issue...
- » Chilldabeats I wasn’t the biggest fan of The Chillest Show on...
- New Old Phone I recently upgraded my (almost) five year old iPhone SE...
- » Virginia Woolf Statue For sure, given the current state of the world, there...
- February 2021
- Vim session titles in MacOS Terminal.app tabs After a few years now of using Vim it has...
- » WorkOutDoors This is a FANTASTIC watchOS app. I’d a nutshell I’d...
- » Pkgsrc WIP package for Spotifyd updated to 0.3.0 For want of anything else to post and as proof...
- "Inside, they have an empty coffin for show - John's ashes are in the boot room at the house - Pauline asked that we look after them. They came in the purple plastic container, which Mum has put in a supermarket Bag for Life, a confusing message." :)
- Note: When lockdown is over I'm most looking forward to never having to watch the television ever again
- "These things happened in every girl's life at some point, of course - with Ruth it had been the curate, and he had only wrestled a fondle and a wet mouth out of her." Perhaps the most subtle “oof” moment in the book, but...
- "I realise too late that I should ask what she does; the silence has ended that strand of conversation" It’s difficult to offer opinion on this book - like...
- January 2021
- December 2020
- November 2020
- October 2020
- Teuxdeux on Apple Watch take Teux Some of this maybe new with iOS 14 / watchOS...
- » I knew integrity would pull me into the gutter Read this interview recently and listened to the new album,...
- "But most of the time, thought Irie, he's simply a thief in the night. He just taketh away. He just taketh the fuck away." I pretty much agree.
- "Then, just as Marcus was reaching into the oven to pull out the main course (chicken hotpot), Joyce's mouth opened and for some inexplicable reason this came out: "Do you use each other's breasts as pillows?""
- "It was a competition in agony. Like rich women in posh restaurants ordering ever smaller salads."
- » Thoughts On Fatima I’m too slow to be timely, but did no one...
- "Clara closed the front door behind her, and walked in a kind of terror through the living room, past the framed hologram of Jesus who wept (and then didn't), and into the kitchen." I think this is my favourite sentence.
- » ncspot on NetBSD This is interesting. I think this came about (kind of)...
- "Once upon a time he had been a track cyclist. What Archie liked about track cycling was the way you went round and round. Round and round." This novel goes to places you don’t expect it to....
- All of my eggs in two shoes I realised with horror recently that I have placed too...
- "This is what divorce is: taking things you no longer want from people you no longer love." I have been taking my time reading this, but then...
- September 2020
- Note: Been nice resting knee past two weekends & having a lie-in instead of up early for a run, but also I'm really bored and want to go running.
- International Teachers of Pop: Pop Gossip This seems to have flown under the radar more than...
- Yoga I used to be 100% in the yoga is pointless...
- Friday Family Film Night (Or “Lockdown film log”) It started off by accident when...
- Marathon No.5 After the last untrained for one I decided to not...
- August 2020
- Note: The worst bit about running is when I'm a salt lick for the dogs afterwards.
- Haskerdeux Arg Handling Found some time to change the order of commands like...
- Nadia Rose: First Class It’s been awhile. There have been singles in the meantime...
- "Me, I like it. Coffee is coffee." And quoting one of the most inane parts of the...
- July 2020
- "And her joy would become a restless thing, flapping its wings inside her, as though looking for an opening to fly away." My favourite sentence from the whole book. This was a...
- » Small Mailserver Best Current Practices Stumbled across this which I thought quite timely given my...
- Spamhaus SBL-CSS and Linode I discovered, thanks to someone on the NetBSD mailing list,...
- Marathon No.4 Stealing some of the text from Strava My plan this...
- » Saint Frances This was my Friday Family Film night choice recently. As...
- "Don't read a book out of its right time for you" From the Preface again. Great advice… BUT HOW DO YOU...
- June 2020
- "There is only one way to read, which is to browse in libraries and bookshops, picking up books that attract you, reading only those, dropping them when they bore you, skipping the parts that drag - and never, never reading anything because you feel you ought, or because it is part of a trend or a movement" From the Preface. But I like it. I don’t think...
- "We were silent a long time. I wondered, when we began to talk, which two people would be talking" When it seems like it’s going to get more interesting...
- "'Why haven't you put on the dress you said you were going to wear?' 'I've decided to wear this instead.' 'Women,' said the nine-year-old, in a lordly way. 'Women and their dresses.'" Struck a chord. I am that nine-year-old.
- "There was no trace in that glance of a man assessing a woman for her sexual potentialities, and she felt more at ease" Oof. I’ve read some comments somewhere about this being essential...
- "Molly flung up the window and a hot smell of roasting meat rushed out over damp roofs and soiled back yards, as a waiting ball of sunlight leaped neatly over the sill and curled itself on the floor." A beautiful little sentence.
- The Golden Notebook Probably just some random thoughts on reading this; Who can...
- Album of the year - Phoebe Bridgers: Punisher Started writing this before I’d actually finished listening to it...
- May 2020
- Note: 1st longish run since lockdown. 1. didn't feel in spirit of things before even if only see sheep, cows. 2. bought beer instead of new shoes
- Some changes to Haskerdeux Made a couple of changes to Haskerdeux recently: Adding a...
- » HA Operator Policies in RabbitMQ I perhaps a little naïvely took them at their word:...
- April 2020
- Risotto Run Copied from Strava (which I don’t have set as public*):...
- Cleo Sol: Rose in the Dark Writing things in the wrong order, but this was a...
- Laura Marling: Song For Our Daughter I am, if honest, an “I like Laura Marling because...
- Note: Listening to Cleo Sol's Rose in the Dark... been waiting for this. Why Don't You just makes me melt
- March 2020
- Upgraded to Jekyll 4 Somewhat recently I got around to upgrading to Jekyll 4....
- "Like bright and endless ribbons that would never again be tied" Not the full sentence, because that wouldn’t be decent of...
- "Your punishment, Helen, is being you, and having to live with yourself" Harsh.
- "The fur in her mouth grew long and thick with hate"
- "If there is one thing I can't bear it's telephone mumblers" I think I preferred this to The Listening Walls even...
- February 2020
- "'What about Amy? Poor Amy, God help her.' 'Amy isn't here. We are. If God's going to help anyone, I want priority.'" Got a couple of Margaret Millar books to read. Good...
- "No living woman could be as flawless as Amy" Made me chuckle.
- Note: Random internet correspondence about NetBSD is the best kind
- Sending Teuxdeuxs to Apple Watch A simple solution with quite some prefix first I got...
- » Which People Have Spoken? I’m not overly political and never said much about Brexit...
- » Yes A glimmer of hope on an otherwise miserable day. I...
- January 2020
- December 2019
- End of Year Review Keeping the “crowbarring the Ps in” theme thing going. Hi...
- Nike Free RN 5.0 vs 2018 What I’ve liked about my experience of the Free RN...
- Web Services Worth Paying For Mostly the same as last year with two new additions....
- Strava vs Nike Run Club Years too late really, I switched to Strava from Nike...
- November 2019
- October 2019
- Dream State: Primose Path Superb. A short, but incredibly accurate review [EDIT: 2019-10-26] I...
- Weechat and wee-slack on NetBSD I’ve been using weechat and wee-slack for sometime on MacOS...
- » The Guardian: Eliud Kipchoge makes history by running sub two-hour marathon This is insane and very hard to comprehend. That’s an...
- Note: Ran 230km last month, I think the most I've managed in a month. This month I've run just 20k: Cannot be arsed. Hibernating until spring.
- September 2019
- "The tape winds on into empty space. Inside the headphones I hear the rise and fall, the surf beating in my lungs. Reach for the bottle. Watch the lights." My favourite passage is actually the end. And fortunately quoting...
- Note: Been two years since I last updated my gopher site so made up for it by adding two posts today. Doing my bit to keep gopher alive... just
- "Sometimes things get worse before they get better. Sometimes they just get worse. Sometimes all that happens is passing time." There are actually quite a few more positive sounding quotes...
- "It's asking for trouble to listen to music alone." Read this book in 2017 and for whatever reason forgot...
- Marathon No. 3 Marathon number three done. Marathons are very hard. It seems...
- Note: Marathon No. 3 done (second this year). Still slower than last year, but only by 12 mins: 4hrs 43mins for 43k this time
- Better Oblivion Community Center: Better Oblivion Community Center Asides from spelling center incorrectly this could be my sleeper...
- "Women who drink champagne when there is nothing to celebrate can look like that: their straw hats with broken brims are often askew; they nod in public places; their shoes are undone." To my shame I’d never heard of Toni Morrison until...
- August 2019
- July 2019
- Note: Got up at 5am on a Sunday to go for a run because it was the only time I could fit one in this weekend. Was nice thou'. #sleepwhenyouaredead
- EP of the year: OK Button - Sepia Spectres I’m still struggling with an album of the year this...
- » Running Your First Marathon - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide | Hobby Help Jen from Hobby Help kindly got in touch to point...
- "Most liberating for him was the fact that other people were so far away." Belatedly posting a quote from this. I read it in...
- Moving from PWman to 1Password using Lisp Some time ago I used to use Lastpass (because I...
- June 2019
- "white laced branches dripping rain holes in the crust" I wanted to read The Goldfinch, but the book shop...
- Note: Semi-related: Decided it was an opportune moment to switch back to tmux from abduco+dvtm
- Note: Server is being rebooted later... so decided might as well upgrade to NetBSD 8.1. Also re-jigged some disks about. Smooth sailing
- "There are more beginnings then there are ends to contain them." Holiday reading. Choosing the obvious quote. It reflects both the...
- Chase and Status: RTRN II JUNGLE Another contender (for me) for album of the year, but...
- Second Marathon Managed a second marathon. Just. My plan this year was...
- Note: A whole hour slower than last year thanks to my knee giving up at half way, but managed a 2nd marathon
- May 2019
- April 2019
- April Audio What was going to lots of little posts rolled into...
- Training for fitness or injury? Kicked off this year’s marathon training a few weeks back....
- Note: Did the early morning run thing again. Want to be able to do that run without having to lie down on the ground at the end. Not this time.
- » Pkgsrc WIP package for Spotifyd updated to 0.2.5 I’m not going to post every time I update this,...
- March 2019
- "She was in her stilettos phase and had a collection of high heels in black and white and silver and pink and all sorts. She kept them in their boxes with Polaroids of the empty shoes stuck to the front. But when she met Bernard she was wearing his mothers's slippers." Recently bought a random book from a bookshop which is...
- Little Simz: GREY Area This is good. It’s not an immediate “This is my...
- » Caching authorisation token in Simplenote.vim A recent, small, but useful fix for simplenote.vim to help...
- » Keith Flint Prodigy Vocalist Dies Aged 49 This was super sad Monday morning news. He was the...
- February 2019
- Note: Just as I find my copy of Dos Dedos Mis Amigos on tape I see it's been added to Spotify. Oh well, that's good, the tape is a bit worn out
- International Teachers of Pop - International Teachers of Pop It’s short, but that just means you can get to...
- Note: Going to listen to International Teachers of Pop all day today
- » The Guardian: Seven Marathons in seven days Adding to my list of names for running inspiration. I...
- » Pkgsrc WIP package for Spotifyd I am stupid and slow. Struggled translating my previous post...
- January 2019
- » Read January On a very related note read this this month. I’d...
- » Red January Breaking my rules of going near “family” topics with this....
- » The Guardian: Jasmin Paris becomes first woman to win 268-mile Montane Spine Race Not only did she win it, she smashed the previous...
- Building Spotifyd on NetBSD Irrelevant preamble: When weighing up Spotify vs Apple Music I...
- December 2018
- End of Year Review Crowbarring all the Ps in again. Push Ran a marathon!...
- Note: Usually worried about my dog tripping me up whilst running, but nope: Got wiped out by someone else's dog instead
- » sonniesedge: Dear Developer, The Web Isn't About You From earlier this year, but only seeing it now. I...
- Web Services Worth Paying for: 2018 Edition Completely forgot to carry this on after the last one,...
- "Yet who reads to bring about an end, however desirable? Are there not some pursuits that we practise because they are good in themselves, and some pleasures that are final?" The full passage is worth reading. I’d quote it all,...
- "...it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in, not out." With regards to literature.
- "It should lay us under a spell with its first word, and we should only wake, refreshed, with its last." Ironic, for me, that these wonderful quotes about literature and...
- November 2018
- Adding a reloadcert command to /etc/rc.d/haproxy As follow-up to this previous post on using HAProxy and...
- (Finally) Using https for my Fossil repos Since I started using HAProxy there has been nothing stopping...
- (Finally) Switched my Desktop NetBSD machine to SSD SSDs were the future about 10 years ago so it...
- Faster List Index for Simplenote.vim One of those things I should have done years ago,...
- » Foundation FM Probably not the target audience on at least a couple...
- October 2018
- Estrons: You Say I'm Too Much, I Say You're Not Enough This has been another fantastic year for music. Been giving...
- Note: Got some trail shoes awhile back. Been waiting for an autumn day like today: Much fun running down wet grassy hills when you have grip.
- Wind on the Hill Got some trail shoes awhile back and have been waiting...
- "Since it had grown hot and crowded indoors, since there could be no danger on a night like this of damp, since the Chinese lanterns seemed hung red and green fruit in the depths of an enchanted forest, Mr. Bertram Pritchard led Mrs. Latham into the garden." I’ve finished reading Virginia Woolf’s fictional works and have also...
- » Porting Keybase to NetBSD Whoop! Thanks to this managed to get the Keybase command...
- Note: Forgot to mention: Updated simplenote.py and .vim (See https://github.com/mrtazz) to work with the Simperium API (CC @mrtazz @simplenoteapp)
- Simplenote.vim and Simplenote.py updated for Simperium API Just in time for the October switch off of the...
- September 2018
- » The Guardian: Mike Hall’s dark clothing and bike ‘indistinguishable’ in early morning gloom FUCKING STRANGE… I THOUGHT CARS CAME WITH HEADLIGHTS??! That’s actually...
- Three Guineas I highlighted tonnes of it, including both Virginia Woolf’s writing...
- » Friction - Connections To quote myself: The only thing that possibly could would...
- Note: Had some obligitory "Couldn't match expected type... with actual type..." moments, but it's nice to use Haskell again, especially via Stack
- Note: Managed to semi-legitimately write some Haskell at work. A shell script would have sufficed but would have been less fun
- » The Freestylers Rebel Lion on The Remix From 51:47 to 56:50 Contiuning my mini PSA series. The...
- » The Guardian: ‘Different sex. Same person’: how Woolf’s Orlando became a trans triumph Two things: I didn’t know there was a film of...
- August 2018
- "Things are not simple, but complex. If he bit Mr. Browning he bit her too. Hatred is not hatred; hatred is also love" Sums up marriage. Oh, and dogs. After Three Guineas I’ve...
- Between the Acts I got a combined The Years / Between the Acts...
- Note: Good thing about my Gozo climate training (holiday): Back to Scotland and smashed my 5k time without even intending to.
- "The old platitude about solitude in a crowd was true: for hills and trees accept one; human beings reject one." Found this one a hard novel to get into even...
- Note: Fingers crossed it stays that way, but all seems ok after upgrading to NetBSD 8. Migrated/upgraded my Linode whilst at it.
- Note: Website, email, etc going down so I can do some server maintenance... fwiw
- July 2018
- Marathon To go hand in hand with the 5k, 10k and...
- Note: First marathon done. Not particularly fast (4:22:42), but there were hills and I did get up at half five to start it.
- Note: I think the thing I like best about golang is that I can finally use tabs without people going "What the fuck have you used tabs for?!"
- » The Guardian - Fell runner sets world record for 116-mile 'double Ramsay' My new motivational words when running. For cycling it was...
- Note: My feet, lungs and heart are fine: My calf muscles, hips and mind are wrecked.
- Note: 33k! Which I can view as either 'Woo! Less than 10k to go to a marathon' or as 'Fuck. Still almost another 10k to go'
- June 2018
- Note: First month I've logged 200km of running.
- Note: First time bettering the 30k I did in February with 31k today. Sadly, despite a LOT of training inbetween not really much faster. Oh well.
- Note: Love this time of year in Scotland: Just got back from a run, still light; Had to give new shoes a whirl!
- Note: Sprints this evening: Had impromptu race with a badger as it ran from a hedge, along fence line / clearing, & into burrow. The badger won.
- "You'll do more reps in nature than you'll ever do in the gym" Although he apparently doesn’t say “Dude!” I am pretty sure...
- Brand New Friend - Seatbealts For Aeroplanes Kind of a combination of Los Campesinos and Belle and...
- Note: Little bit knee-jerky, a little bit using it as a good excuse: Archived most of my Github repos and moved to self-hosted Fossil repos
- May 2018
- "'Why,' she asked, 'if men write such rubbish as this, should our mothers have wasted their youth in bringing them into the world?'" A fair point. From the short-story A Society.
- "There are some things, however, that we cannot fathom by thinking about them, but only by experience." The Neverending story is one of the very first films...
- Note: May have listened to Frightened Rabbit all day long. May still be doing so. :-( :-( :-(
- April 2018
- Note: Our swallows are back; Probably a hang up from cycling, but an important annual event for me: Made it through winter, things will be ok.
- » The Guardian: Black Lives Matter novel wins Waterstones children's book of the year And now for something completely different. In a Virginia Woolf...
- "But colour returns; runs up the stalks of the grass; blows out into tulips and crocuses; solidly stripes the tree trunks; and fills the gauze of the air and the grasses and pools." And it has: Our Daffodils are out and look like...
- "Kind old ladies assure us that cats are often the best judges of character." Quite possibly true; Dogs have no standards.
- ""But the Daily Mail isn't to be trusted," Jacob said to himself, looking about for something else to read." Still true!
- "The lamps of London uphold the dark as upon the points of burning bayonets. The yellow canopy sinks and swells over the great four-poster." More of the same: Beautiful.
- Golang notes Very late to the party learning this. Originally my excuse...
- "The flamingo hours fluttered softly through the sky. But regularly they dipped their wings in pitch black;" Just beautiful. Surprised that hasn’t become more widely used as...
- "The room got fuller and fuller; talk louder; knives more clattering."
- "And rolling dark waves before it, it raced over the Atlantic, jerking the stars above the ships this way and that." Since I’ve read the novels out of order Jacob’s Room...
- March 2018
- "...but I can’t endure living with other people. An occasional man with a beard is interesting; he’s detached; he lets me go my way, and we know we shall never meet again." Brilliant.
- "Well, never mind. No dead languages at tea-time." It’s a more interesting rule than “No phones”; On that...
- "The first signs of spring, even such as make themselves felt towards the middle of February, not only produce little white and violet flowers in the more sheltered corners of woods and gardens, but bring to birth thoughts and desires comparable to those faintly colored and sweetly scented petals in the minds of men and women." It might be March, but still apt.
- "Mrs. Hilbery often observed that it was poetry the wrong side out." This was definitely the slowest, hardest going of Virginia Woolf’s...
- A couple of recent fixes on Simplenote.py/vim As I’ve mentioned, since officially working in Software and Technology...
- February 2018
- Dream Wife - Dream Wife Late to the party with these, but since they (re?)...
- "The darkness poured down profusely, and left them with scarcely any feeling of life, except that they were standing there together in the darkness." Saved my favourite to last. I’ll stop it now (reading...
- "They would have liked had they dared to take each other by the hand, but the consciousness of eyes fixed on them from behind had not yet deserted them."
- "'Breakfast nine; luncheon one; tea five; dinner eight,' she said." Ah! So that’s the true answer to the tea vs...
- "...that one never knows how far other people feel the things they might be supposed to feel." I’ve quoted more interesting observations as opposed to just beautiful...
- DragonFly BSD on Linode Some very rough initial notes on playing with DragonFly BSD...
- "'What are you looking at?' he asked. She was a little startled, but answered directly, 'Human beings.'" And age old hobby.
- "'English people abroad!' she returned with a vivid flash of malice. 'Ain't they awful!'" Forever true.
- "'I do adore music,' she said, as she thanked Rachel. 'It just seems to say all the things one can't say oneself.'"
- "It was as though the room were instantly flooded with water. After a moment's hesitation first one couple, then another, leapt into mid-stream, and went round and round in the eddies." I’ve quite a few quotes I liked from this that...
- Note: I say "ran", but last 3k wasn't much faster than a very fast walk, but then again it was also uphill and into a horrible head wind.
- Note: Ran 30k today. Was aiming for 25k, but was doing an out and back and accidentally ran too far out :-(
- January 2018
- Album of the Year: Marmozets - Knowing What You Know Now I’m a latecomer to the Marmozets, having heard Play on...
- Note: Knowing what I know now, Knowing What You Know Now is exactly as good as I knew it would be #marmozets
- » The Guardian: This Burns Night, consider celebrating Virginia Woolf instead I’m up for this. I’m absolutely not anti-Scotland: I’m just...
- Note: Switched to para-virtualized, didn't fix clock issues. Think it _could_ have been hardware/disk related... will see (I migrated hosts)
- Note: Unrelated: Having a play with dvtm + abduco instead of Tmux because why not?
- Note: Since the Meltdown patching I'm having a LOT of trouble keeping my system clock in sync (NetBSD full virtualisation, Linode). Coincidence?
- "We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love!" I love this line by Rose Tico; I’m not too...
- » Netbsd Npf Loading Kernel Modules When Using Securelevel Finally learnt why my npf efforts had still failed on...
- December 2017
- Note: Grrr... upgraded NetBSD and have lost ipv6 connectivity again for reasons I never understand
- End of Year Review Why not? I do actually like writing them. I’ll use...
- Note: Used to bemoan cycling to shops when snowed in. That's before I knew about running to shops. Two trips last week. Luckily snow is now going.
- Note: Managed 5k in the snow today. Which is plenty far enough considering I was only planning on 3k.
- Adding Cache-Control headers to Bozohttpd I wanted to have a look at adding Cache-Control headers...
- November 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- Note: I peaked too early in the year with 19k in February - has taken me until today to do actual half marathon distance. And it was HARD.
- » Reductions Spoiler: Tea and Music
- Yet Another HAProxy and Let's Encrypt post It’s what the world needs. I caved in and decided...
- Note: After a few months of not working (and not realising!) got ipv6 restored at home and on server.
- Note: My 2005 17" LCD monitor has died. Makes my desktop NetBSD machine useless for foreseeable future. Bet a CRT would have out lasted it. :-(
- August 2017
- July 2017
- Redirecting From Http To Https With Bozohttpd Following on from the previous post: I’m so slow/dumb sometimes....
- "His immense self-pity, his demand for sympathy poured and spread itself in pools at her feet, and all she did, miserable sinner that she was, was to draw her skirts a little closer, round her ankles, lest she should get wet." Yay! Managed to get around to reading To the Lighthouse....
- Now Serving Https As Well Since it’s 2017 and that; Didn’t want to rush into...
- Note: Upping the temperature: Ran 5k around Siena streets in 32 degC today; Can't go any further in this heat
- Note: Ran up Italian hillside & overtook 2 cyclists. Of course they weren't Italian cyclists, but I'm not an Italian runner so that's still a win.
- June 2017
- Album of the year: Highly Flammable I was a bit worried about getting to June and...
- Finally Switched Netbsd From Xen To Kvm On Linode Finally got around to it. Thanks to some tips from...
- Note: Well... that seemed to go pretty smoothly.
- Note: Doing some server maintenance/migration today so website, gopher, email, etc going down for an unknown amount of time
- Note: Ugh, my server was down as got rebooted when asleep. Really, really, really should get rid of disk encryption
- Netbsd Under Kvm On Linode In a way this really doesn’t need a blog post....
- » Saint Etienne 10 Of The Best Oh… So Tough. I mean, it’s hard to choose, but...
- May 2017
- Something about shoes Writing about running shoes is a bit different than writing...
- Two Frozen Duck Ponds Just to demonstrate how hard I found it to read...
- » Eliud Kipchoge Almost 2hr Marathon Putting this into context, the longest distance I’ve run so...
- tmux: Kill all sessions except these I use tmux an awful lot at work since it...
- April 2017
- Note: Spotted first swallow of the year. Nice to have them back home.
- Note: After four weeks of rest managed a gentle 5k on my knee. Yay!
- "And it was to each such a revelation that a woman could be as tolerant and free-spoken as a man, and a man as strange and subtle as a woman..." On it’s own that could probably be taken out of...
- "For some time the dark spaces between the lamps had been becoming brighter and the lamps themselves less bright." I can’t really explain why, but I like this sentence....
- "Thus, there is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear us and not we them; we may make them take the mould of arm or breast, but they mould our hearts, our brains, our tongues to their liking."
- "That silence is more profound after noise still wants the confirmation of science." Steadily making my way through Virginia Woolf’s books. This is...
- March 2017
- February 2017
- January 2017
- » 1977 The Love Album
- "...there is nothing people are so often deceived in, as the state of their own affections..." True.
- Note: Saturday night tea was brought to you by Blessed Ethel - much underrated (now, anyway) and under loved.
- "People that marry can never part, but must go and keep house together. People that dance, only stand opposite each other in a long room for half an hour." Didn’t really get going for me until the end and...
- Sprints Since the clocks changed it’s been a real struggle to...
- "The French cyclist managed 22.547km (14 miles) at the national velodrome, taking the top spot in a new category - for riders over 105." Also AMAZING.
- » Kajsa Tylen: Cyclist's 32,000-mile ride smashes world record I’m a bit delayed with mentioning this, but saw it...
- December 2016
- End of Year Review I’m not saying things are perfect, but if I don’t...
- NPF so far I am late to the NPF party, but let’s face...
- Gradle and Java SSL debug I hate Java and I hate Java build systems even...
- Note: Managed to get out running for the first time in weeks. A smidge over 10k with the added challenge of taking the dog with me.
- Haskerdeux Neux I always said that had I had a smartphone I...
- November 2016
- October 2016
- Gurr - In My Head Best album and band of the year. I thought it...
- » Hypnotic Eyez From 33:49 to 39:00 Just so happened that my first...
- "Sunset came, filling the room with its soft splendor; and he watched the red rays linger longest in Gladys's corner." I wanted to read something by Louisa May Alcott that...
- "The sun had not yet risen. The sea was indistinguishable from the sky, except that the sea was slightly creased as if a cloth had wrinkles in it." I could quote bits of this forever, but that’d get...
- » The Freestylers on The Remix Fabric Special From 03:20 to 07:10 Since I’ve mentioned all the other...
- To Kill a Mockingbird Although a modern classic as opposed to a classic it...
- "The worst-tempered bit of a sickly slip that ever struggled into its teens!" Completely forget to mention I’d read this one. I think...
- September 2016
- August 2016
- cabal-install notes for NetBSD Just a quick little post so in another three years...
- Note: After doing no exercise at all last week and struggling to run for even 20 mins in Gozo, went out and did 10K today in cool Scottish mist
- Note: Watching all this Olympic track cycling has given me the first twinge of wanting to get on a back on the bike.
- c25k I tweeted about it, but I guess I should write...
- July 2016
- Writing crap Elixir code from the point of view of someone who writes crap Erlang code Woo, quite a long title, but I think that effectively...
- Note: C25k done! We had to repeat the 'last' week due to missing a run.
- Note: I have 12 rolls of film to use. Been so long since I've had that much to hand. It's all going in the Yashica Mat as well.
- "It was precisely twelve o'clock; twelve by Big Ben; whose smoke was wafted over the northern part of London; blent with that of other clocks, mixed in a thin ethereal way with the clouds and wisps of smoke and died up there amongst the seagulls." If I’d been on the ball I’d have posted this...
- "And the leaves being connected by millions of fibres with his own body, there on the seat, fanned it up and down; when the branch stretched he, too, made that statement." Beautiful.
- "She would have been, like Lady Bexborough, slow and stately; rather large; interested in politics like a man; with a country house; very dignified, very sincere."
- "Arlington Street and Piccadilly seemed to chafe the very air in the Park and lift its leaves hotly, brilliantly, on waves of that divine vitality which Clarissa loved." And not a semi-colon in sight.
- "Ah yes, she did of course; what a nuisance; and felt very sisterly and oddly conscious at the same time of her hat." Spamming my blog with a few Mrs Dalloway quotes. I’ve...
- Note: Almost forgot to say, but Week 8 of C25k is complete. One week to go :)
- The Cycling Cap Goddamn it, I’m not meant to be writing about cycling...
- Six Degrees of Wikipedia This may or may not have come up recently due...
- June 2016
- » Tenor Fly in Memoriam on The Remix Right at the start. Doing that catch-up thing and so...
- Note: Been well over a month now since cycling regularly. I am now a normal human being and no longer crave 4000+ calories a day
- Uncollected Thoughts on Anna Karenina If you fancy reading Tolstoy, but don’t want to read...
- The New Push Possibly because I can’t be bothered with a re-design of...
- An Apathetic Review of Vittoria Cross XL Pros It’s not because they’re not good, it’s just because I...
- The Last Commute It was over a month since the penultimate one. Felt...
- Note: The last cycle commute. EVER. Done!
- » Freestylers Double on The Remix From 57:40 to 01:08:00. Because I’ve not been at work...
- Simplenote.py now Python 2 and 3 compatible Hot on the heels of the changes to the underlying...
- "He had enough taste for painting to be unable to finish his picture. The picture came to a standstill. He was vaguely aware that its defects, inconspicuous at first, would be glaring if he were to go on with it." I am mostly just enjoying Anna Karenina as a story...
- May 2016
- » NetBSD Current-Users archive: /var/db/entropy-file not present For some reason I never noticed this on the ye-olde...
- "Phoenix assumes that our PostgreSQL database will have a 'postgres' user account with the correct permissions and a password of 'postgres'. If that isn't the case, please see the instructions for the ecto.create mix task." Alternatively, just edit the .exs files in config/. On NetBSD...
- How I listen to the radio on NetBSD Lacking in blog posts this month as I’ve been busy…...
- They might as well make them use baskets on their handlebars It was recently the Tour de Yorkshire and in the...
- April 2016
- Note: Finally (FINALLY!) finished reading the Harry Potter books to the youngest. I think I started in 2013? Can't actually remember now
- » Friction DARE (Hold It Down) on The Remix From 57:36 to 1:01:38 Behind the times that are behind...
- Note: Back to cycling and I've reached my one year anniversary of a "temporary" fix to my wheels and forks that was meant to last about two weeks
- "Hopefully, though, this doesn't have to last forever, just until next month (famous last words)." Words fail me, hence why I’m just regurgiatating those again....
- » Boardman CX Team, dream. Missed this one in my Descending the ladder of bike...
- Note: Survived the first quarter of the year of cycling. Now a week off. Yay!
- March 2016
- Note: Other years I've immediately felt the benefit of switching off winter tyres. Not this year. Hope it's just this interminable cold/flu.
- Reducing Cyclomatic Complexity in Simplenote.py As a result of mrtazz’s post on Taking Pride in...
- Note: And a very happy No More Winter Tyres Day to me.
- Note: With the equinox past I guess that means I have officially survived another winter of cycling.
- Yet Another "Nowt, but Fixed Gear" Anniversary Which makes it two solid years of fixed gear; excepting...
- Note: Finally feeling like spring today: Felt stupid in mittens, on studded tyres and a 2:1 ratio; Saw lambs; And home for sunset.
- Note: Had to "work" from home for last two days as rear wheel bearings needed replacing. Last set survived less than two months! #cycling
- "Battling Winter: Winning Spring" This winter has felt so long. Mud, wind, floods, snow,...
- Note: Oh poop! Farewell Fuji pack film.
- February 2016
- Note: New bottom bracket arrived, but no chance finding time in week to fix. Will have to hope creaky, cracking one holds out 'til the weekend.
- "Twenty-five tyres, 12 bicycle chains and two saddles - that's how many times you can expect to change parts on a bicycle when cycling 86,000km (53,000 miles) around the world." The cycling doctor is Stephen Fabes; I really like the...
- Descending the ladder of bike dreams in 2016 Pipe dream This year there are no 1x10 options in...
- One Hundred and Eighty-Two minutes of hate I started writing this normally and bits of it accidently...
- Move slow and brake things I decided to face reality over the last couple of...
- Note: Listened to a mix of indie, riot grrrl, hip hop, punk, a ska band covering reggae and electronic over the weekend. Today some drum and bass.
- Note: Managed to not only find, but also listen to, my Bikini Kill / Huggy Bear tape over the weekend.
- January 2016
- Note: Cycled in 68 mph gusts this morning which beats last January's record of 63 mph. Hope this trend doesn't continue
- Note: Drinking on a school night.
- Calculating average bearing pressure on faces in ANSYS There are programming languages far, far worse than Visual Basic....
- Note: Commute times now close to 2 hours thanks to remaining flood water, washed away tracks, detours, ice and now snow #cycling #donewithwinter
- Note: One day the youngest will be like the eldest: too old, cool and embarrassed to do Just Dance with her dad. Enjoy it whilst it lasts, parents
- December 2015
- The kids' hand-me-sounds I’m still avoiding the whole end of year review thing,...
- Commuting on a 2:1 fixed gear ratio Well, strictly speaking less than a 2:1 ratio as I...
- Note: Memories https://www.instagram.com/p/_HRzHQmsqA/
- » RDX - Pull Up Selecta (Freestylers Remix) on The Remix Last time it was a remix of the Freestylers, this...
- » Saint Etienne Hit Seasonal Note And I still have the single. On tape.
- Note: One good thing has come of the weekend: three weeks after my crash I can sleep on my left side again
- Converting a Kodak Autographic Brownie No. 2A from 116 film to 120 For whatever reason I never wrote this up beyond the...
- November 2015
- Note: Disappointed the kids did not appreciate the gravitas with which I said 'You *need* to find your own Tanya Donelly' tonight #drunkparenting
- Note: Averaged about 14mph on way home, which means 90rpm average. Hardly my fastest, but I can live with that on 42:22 and winter tyres.
- » Oysttyer Oysttyer is the community developed fork and replacement of TTYtter....
- Bicycles I have commuted on So discounting the five(?) speed blue (!) racer I had...
- Note: Respectable amount of bleed through on shirt from this morning's crash, considering that's after getting changed and showered as well.
- Note: Didn't see the leaf coloured rock until after I'd got up from the floor. Fortunately I took most of the impact and the bike is ok #monday
- » VIPS Image Processing System on Pkgsrc WIP Because AMAZINGLY I have FINALLY got my films developed I...
- Xfm vs RadioX vs 6Music What I enjoyed most about Xfm were Friday and Saturday...
- » Freestylers Falling Remix on The Remix From 24:30 to 29:44. My favourite two tracks from The...
- Adventures in the Pkgsrc Build System and GCC Selection - Part 2 I have way over-commited myself on open-source contributions, I hope...
- October 2015
- » Updated Pkgsrc WIP package for Ledger I have procrastinated through action. It isn’t really procrastination though....
- Taskwarrior, Teuxdeux style, an update A follow-up to my original Taskwarrior, Teuxdeux style post. For...
- Note: The thing I don't understand is the current dog still has four fully working legs. Why did we need a whole new spare dog?
- Note: The problem with family democracy: "Shall we buy Dad a new set of wheels for his bike or a puppy?"
- Adventures in the Pkgsrc Build System and GCC Selection - Part 1 It all started with a seemingly innocent question. A CVS...
- Note: I propose an 8th day of the week, a day of rest and/or fun, in-between the weekend full of chores and a week full of work.
- Note: In a possible revenge-on-humans attack, got hit by a badger this morning. Rammed my rear wheel, knocking it sideways. Me and badger ok.
- Breakeven Point A long time ago, when this site first started, I...
- September 2015
- Worn out tyres: Change tyres. Worn out chain: Change chain. Worn out legs: Change gear. As stated at the start of this month: I’ve been...
- Note: WeIrD ScIeNcE!
- Note: Finished reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to the youngest. Just the Deathly Hallows to go...
- Note: Third time lucky on soldering the DC-in port on the ye-olde laptop
- Note: Listening to @bbc6music, but kind of in the background, and I thought 'oh my god, this sounds like Fugazi' and it actaully was!
- Note: Just had a bat fly down the chimney and then around the room for ages - they are tricky little things to catch!
- Note: It's unofficial, but I'm calling that TTYtter 2.2.0 with quote tweet support http://git.io/vZV75 #ttytter cc @ttytter
- An Assorted Selection of things I've learnt about Perl I’ve been having a crash course in Perl lately and...
- » Eddy Temple-Morris Leaves Xfm after 15 years Nothing good lasts forever. It was my favourite show on...
- "My other gear is standing up." It’s true and it felt like the decline to autumn...
- August 2015
- Note: Dad point T&Cs: Dad points are redeemable for your choice of either socks or tobelerone. Validity periods apply.
- Note: 19 days looking after 19 animals so the wife and kids could go on holiday / visit relatives +1000 dad points
- Note: Baking a fruit and nut loaf whilst listening to Ned's Atomic Dustbin. Never imagined that as a youth
- Note: And I thought that before they'd even finished with Enter Sandman. #Someairguitarwasnecessary
- Note: Not the biggest Metallica fan, but their set at Reading sounds awesome, wish I was still young (like Lars) and was there to see it.
- Note: Saian Supa Crew into Taylor Swift into Ugly Duckling. #ohyeah
- Note: One of the things I'm most glad I went to a Uni in north for is learning to love ale over lager
- Site Performance Improvements I just couldn’t resist the temptation of trying to get...
- Note: Didn't get dropped, but I'm still very impressed. He was fast
- Note: Credit where it is due: Overtaken by someone else on a fixed gear today. Who was also older than me (based on grey hair comparison)
- Note: Definitely more of a mud-line than a tan-line summer #cycling
- Note: Pea & mint pesto, with mint from the garden, and a victoria sponge with blackcurrant jam, blackcurrants from the garden #winningattheweekend
- » ELinks 0.13 for NetBSD I’ve taken over maintenance of the Pkgsrc wip/elinks-snapshot package so...
- » ELinks - Lua fix for websites with lines that don't wrap This is a link to a response I made on...
- Note: I think cars are probably the most expensive things I've ever not owned, wife and kids excepted.
- Note: Car *finally* back from the garage so hopefully my two month stint as part time cycle courier extraordinaire is done.
- » More bike dreams In my window shopping for a new bike it is...
- Thoughts on Ulysses The main thought of course, as per everyone else who...
- Chrina rims - tight! As mentioned, I had to rebuild my front wheel since...
- Note: Building a wheel with all new components must actually be a doddle.
- Note: Just started re-building a wheel with a brand new rim for once and it's already pretty true. Who knew it could be this easy?
- July 2015
- Note: Probably every parent ever, every generation ever: I so fear for the future of the human race
- Note: Looking forward to #TdF 2016 like other people look forward to Christmas
- Flickr Amateur Uncanny timing given the recent announcement. I’d started writing this...
- Note: So that's why I'm not religious, to be fair to those who are.
- Note: If I was religious I'd say 'Good god give me strength' and god would use all his strength just for me and have none left for anyone else.
- Note: 5 years of crazy cycle commuting, ~45000 miles and over 3/5ths of that on fixed gear
- Five years, Five Fingers, None Required. It’s now been five years since I started my crazy...
- Note: 1 day of cycling for it to last and then a week off to rest and figure out a fix that will probably be buying just a rim and rebuilding.
- Note: To be fair, these wheel repairs were only meant to be very temporary and weren't ever supposed to have to last 3.5 months
- Note: Plagued by broken spokes lately. In front wheel as well. Finally twigged why: Yet another rim breaking.
- Note: 2nd chicken burial this year. Can't complain. Both ladies died of natural causes / old age and have had the most free range life imaginable
- Web Services Worth Paying for: 2015 Edition Following on from last year’s. Pinboard - Bookmarks are now...
- Adding Nick Mention Highlighting to Suckless' sic It is good for me to keep coming back to...
- Note: Of course it got turned down (it's always down, never up), but for a moment I'd achieved greatness
- Note: Orchestrated burger and chips AND turbo-shandies AND listening to Wolf Alice (at a reasonable for me volume) simultaneously tonight
- Wolf Alice Best album and band of the year. I’ll give Circa...
- How I use Ledger Another quick little post in this series. File setup I...
- » Smile bank to Ledger Further to my post on installing Ledger I’ve been writing...
- Note: 'I'll have a trible Pimms, please' 'I think that is too many' 'Trible Pimms!'
- Note: Break in the weather so cycled to the shop for some essentials: Lager, wine, strawberries (for Pimms) and Lemonade (for Pimms) #teasorted
- Note: A traditional summer's day today. So staying in, only occasionally checking on ponies and chickens to see if they need armbands or lifebuoys
- Note: Late to bed as had to bring a duck into the house and give it a bath. As you do; It had cut itself; Should be fine
- June 2015
- Note: Lacking vigour, can't decide if need more food (probable), more sleep (probable) or need even more exercise (improbable, but seems to work?)
- Italian-ish Savoury Rice Balls Which I have as a vegeterrible alternative to meatballs. A...
- Note: I think the entirity of Wolf Alice's set thanks to the BBC. So so so good. Weekend made
- Note: #pearcider
- Note: Watching Glastonbury with the requisite goosebumps
- » The stuff my bike dreams are made of If I had enough money to buy any bike in...
- Note: Two broken spokes #Monday Rain #Summer
- Note: Conversations in pubs when young are important practice for parenthood AND, SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR OVER THE NOISE THE BLOODY KIDS ARE MAKING
- Note: 3 trips to post office and 1 to the shops in cycling errands this weekend. As many miles as my daily commute.
- Note: Being introduced to Adventure Time by the youngest
- Notes on Installing and Using ledger on NetBSD Ledger keeps popping up on my radar, that was the...
- Note: Mowing the lawn, mucking out a field, shovelling the muck heap. At 10pm. Since it is still light.
- Note: It is that time of year for herding the ducks to bed at night so I can go to sleep
- Note: I never thought combining two of my least favourite foods (bananas and porridge) would work so well
- "There were wounds that wanted healing with heartbalm" Not necessarily a favourite bit, although a lovely turn of...
- Indieweb - Automatically sending webmentions In crowbar-ing in webmentions I realised that the syndication code...
- Note: She likes L7 too. Tricky finding something age suitable to listen to though
- Note: The youngest likes Babes in Toyland. Soooooooooooo proud :-)
- » Testing Receiving Webmentions Testing my cobbled together code for automatically sending webmentions. For...
- Testing Receiving Webmentions This is pretty much a test post so I have...
- May 2015
- Note: While the wife and kids are away... NOFX
- A 1600 mile review of Vittoria Cross XG Pro Because that’s when I got the first puncture on the...
- "Friday nights are for listening to music very loud" And ne’er a truer word was ever spake again.
- Note: In fact, if I could afford it, I could quite legitimately replace tyres every month
- Note: Puncture on the way home, confirming that the longest a tyre will last me is 2 months #fartoomuchcycling
- Yet more Indieweb syndication - Notes Since adding syndication of link posts to Pinboard I’ve added...
- Note: All being well I'm now syndicating notes/tweets #indieweb
- "Under the upswelling tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their petticoats, in whispering water swaying and upturning coy silver fronds." That’ll probably do with the quotes for a bit. I...
- Dynamic Method Generation in Ruby using a Template Method and Lambda Placeholders In my Indieweb Syndication code I was looking for a...
- "On his wise shoulders through the checkerwork of leaves the sun flung spangles, dancing coins." The most beautiful bit I’ve read so far.
- "Woodshadows floated silently by through the morning peace from the stairhead seaward where he gazed. Inshore and farther out the mirror of water whitened, spurned by lightshod hurrying feet. White breast of the dim sea. The twining stresses, two by two. A hand plucking the harpstrings, merging their twining chords. Wavewhite wedded words shimmering on the dim tide." I’ve read the first chapter three times so far simply...
- » Infinite Ulysses Linking to this as I have just started reading Ulysses....
- April 2015
- » The photographers who refuse to abandon traditional film cameras - BBC News It’s great to read this article as I wasn’t really...
- My Interminable Luck The power supply on my laptop has died. Drat. At...
- Indieweb: Now Syndicating Link posts to Pinboard Well, I said by the end of the year, that...
- After six months of winter... Tyres. I should probably clarify that, because such a long...
- March 2015
- » Cycling near misses: ‘You need ceaseless vigilance if you want to stay alive’ One of the things I’ve really learnt and noticed over...
- Another "Nowt, but Fixed Gear" Anniversary I have very tired legs. And it doesn’t ever seem...
- » Muddling My way through Microformat Markup As part of my Indieweb effort I’ve now been through...
- » Prevent Tests Running Concurrently on Travis CI Definitely and utterly from “the department of it’s easy when...
- Simplenote.py now Python 2 and 3 compatible I had this on the someday section of my todo...
- » Alfonsina Strada Had a bit of a Wikipedia Walk the other day...
- February 2015
- January 2015
- » When to replace SPD cleats When they are worn basically. But because this was my...
- » Is it OK to get off your bike and walk up a hill? Yes. Quite timely, given the recent weather: I have one...
- Indieweb When I first started with this website I used to...
- Command Line Wrapper for JoyCog I was having a bit of a new year tidy...
- December 2014
- Absolute One The lowest practical value at which I can exist, below...
- "Go to your brother, the prison will be shut; go, here’s your hat..." I have to write something (albeit inane) just to mark...
- » Heads I Lose - Take Two A year on, the new and improved version of what...
- » Jekyll, RDiscount and the invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 error I recently switched my NetBSD install from 32-bit to 64-bit...
- Road Bike Transplant In the continuing insanity that is my life as it...
- » Polyline Decoding in Erlang I didn’t plan on doing this, but, as a result...
- A Sweet Pastry Recipe (for Mince Pies) It is the season and makes a change from moaning...
- A Christmas (ish) Cake Recipe There is a reason why my wife and kids put...
- November 2014
- October 2014
- » Romford Skatepark gets listed "building" status I was quite excited when I saw this because “I’ve...
- Plastic Fantastic I was recently off work for a well earned cycling...
- Flickr Organizer - Searching for Photos NOT Containing a Tag An olde, but a goody. It’s been such a long...
- 1000 mile review (of sorts) of Schwalbe CX Pro As per my headset post I wanted to write something...
- September 2014
- » 100 More Years of Analog Film I REALLY want this to happen. I’m going to have...
- » I Shoot Film “A compendium of photographic films and resources for the modern...
- Notes on Replacing a Headset Using All the Wrong Tools I’ve been meaning to write this up since I replaced...
- "Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out." A good quote for today (and also one that perfectly...
- » The Intrepid Camera This looks beautiful. But the problem is that a lens...
- Flickr API and Uploading with Tags A bit of a pre-cursor post. When I knew I...
- August 2014
- » Advice for Friends of Cyclocross by Eugène Christophe Can’t remember where I first came across this. Must have...
- » Patch to add Truncated with Count description column style to Taskwarrior This is actually a link to an issue that someone...
- Like an imitation pint of Guinness I had to wait out writing this post so that...
- "Fixed gear is for life, not just for hipsters" More pointless drivel I’d like to get on a jersey....
- July 2014
- June 2014
- A quick, but wrong, fix for Jekyll's blank lines I’ve been having a bit of a behind the scenes...
- » Flat Earther’s Can’t Do Math! I originally wrote this as a comment on a bookmark,...
- "Fixed Master, spin faster" I’m on a roll at the moment for slogans for...
- "One of the gears: All of the ideas" Yes I’m sad enough to quote myself twice in one...
- "Grrrs not gears" Since switching back to fixed gear day-in and day-out I’ve...
- Concurrent by default fault Inspired by this blog post on “programming languages that will...
- AutoHell to ManualHeaven Almost forgot to mention this. I had “move PWman from...
- May 2014
- Snownews: Using xmllint to deal with problematic Atom to RSS conversion I had a couple of feeds that never worked in...
- Web Services Worth Paying for: 2014 Edition Ok, so there wasn’t a 2013 editon, nor a 2012...
- Specifying content encoding for Bozohttpd The man page says: -M suffix type encoding encoding11 Adds...
- » Abook corrupts when adding email address from mutt Odd that a simple one line fix hasn’t made it...
- Adding Undo mark all as read to Snownews As I’ve mentioned before, I remain using Snownews in lieu...
- » Roidweek 2014 It’s Roidweek: Yaaaaay! I’m not doing it though: Boooooo! I’m...
- » The Women's Tour Going into this I thought Marianne Vos would be an...
- Taskwarrior TeuxDeux Style Here’s a screenshot of how I used to use TeuxDeux:...
- More easily viewing image attachments from a remote Mutt session Running mutt remotely on the same server as your email...
- How to keep IPv6 working on NetBSD with ipfilter For about a year I’ve run without a firewall on...
- April 2014
- March 2014
- » Compiling the NetBSD Kernel It is easy as it says. As root mkdir /usr/src...
- NetBSD Terminfo Since I use st I ideally want to have my...
- Broken. Fixed. I’m enjoying riding fixed again (without the sluggishness of winter...
- » NetBSD on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4280 / A NetBSD (Love) Story A joint email/blog post (since I’m re-producing it here in...
- Bcrypt and Pax for secure file sharing via USB between Windows and NetBSD Writing this hot on the toes (if that makes sense)...
- "This will do what you want 99% of the time. It will run mymodule:myfunc(), then it will run init:stop() without ever starting a shell." I am the Erlang one percent! That approach is exactly...
- February 2014
- Fork Judder Darkness All last winter (2012 to 2013) and this winter (2013...
- » JoyCog Figured it out. The two bits I was stuck on...
- » Julia ArchLinux AUR package Julia has been on my radar for quite some time...
- Fever Install Offline I had my Fever install on a free webhosting package...
- January Joy Frantically tried to crack this and write it up so...
- January 2014
- December 2013
- » Vader.vim I’m not the world’s biggest fan of unit testing, but...
- Nested Bootstrap for Hypothesis Testing and Sample Power in R Another one in the series Because I’m a bit slow...
- Wheel-building and Winter tyres Something else I forgot to write about! I’ve now built...
- » Heads I Lose I decided to learn a spot of Erlang, swayed mainly...
- » Git LOC This is really useful for showing how the total lines...
- November 2013
- October 2013
- No To Pho To A brief update. It’s been over half a year and...
- Maths Homework is Starting to get Fun Now that the eldest is in big school, her maths...
- Using sxiv to open remote images like feh Because using feh was not minimal enough (it did too...
- Winter Bicycle Prep My winter bike preparation has started. I was hoping to...
- Cycle Commuting: The Highest Form of Cycling Been meaning to write this for a long time, but...
- September 2013
- August 2013
- » Plays My Mind When my external hard drives storing all my music became...
- Comparing Power of Statistical Tests Using Bootstrapping in R As a teeny-tiny follow-up to the previous post I realised...
- Calculating Sample Size for Non-Normal and Non-Parametric Distributions Using R Disclaimer: I know enough about statistics to know that I...
- July 2013
- June 2013
- May 2013
- A Simple Rolling Tarsnap Backup Since I no longer have physical access to my main...
- Mending a Bent Rear Derailleur Whilst mending a broken spoke by the roadside the other...
- » A Tiny Wee Patch to Remove QUIT/JOIN notices from Suckless' Sic I know some people have no qualms about submitting patches,...
- » The Ultimate Yashica TLR Site Discovered via my Pinboard.in tag subscriptions. It’s even better than...
- Switching from bash to mksh I stumbled across mention of mksh on the suckless mailing...
- April 2013
- March 2013
- Bicycle Tourette's I realised the other day, that should I pass you...
- How much memory is my Tmux session using? ps -o rss | awk '{mem += $1} END {print...
- » Pretending I Know How to Program in C It might look like a simple change, but this has...
- Fun with Git Filter-Branch I put it off for so long. It seemed like...
- Cheapskate 120 My incredibly cunning plan for affordably shooting more film this...
- The Hunger I can only imagine this is what vampires feel like....
- Formartine and Buchan Way - Revisited I thought I’d give it another go since I had...
- » Snownews Keybindings Patch A small patch I made to the Snownews keybindings so...
- February 2013
- Shoot First, Ask Questions Later Well… not really… at all, seeing as how I shot...
- » StackExchange Favs to Pinboard A little “weekend” script I wrote to import all my...
- Sorting Lines in Vim Based on a Pattern (And More Adventures with Snownews and Newsbeuter) I didn’t know how to sort lines in Vim by...
- ":NoMatchParen" A little Vim performance tip when editing in a remote...
- Cassette Choosing As if selecting the perfect fixed gear ratio wasn’t hard...
- Lastpass to PWman for Good My Lastpass premium membership is/was up for renewal and at...
- Still Living in a Virtual Box I am still living in a virtual box, but a...
- That Cycling Karma Ceiling - Never a Truer Word was Written Seriously. I hope I never receive such a nice present...
- January 2013
- Cycling Karma Ceiling I seem to have some kind of karma “ceiling” when...
- » Scroodl Should have linked to this a year ago, but I...
- "!:0" There are countless articles and tips pages for Bash out...
- » The North Race: Rapha Fixed 500 I’d not heard of this before it came up on...
- » Bradley Wiggins: My Time Been reading this, that my own Mrs. Santa got me...
- Easily Add a Homepage Keybinding to Suckless Surf It doesn’t really count as New Year’s resolution, but since...
- December 2012
- » Pinboard Tools for ELinks I use ELinks a lot. I use Pinboard a lot....
- Adding a Readable Mode (of sorts) to ELinks I’ve been meaning to have a play with Lua scripting...
- » Groups in lastpass2pwman It was only with my recent tinkering with the PWman...
- » A Tutorial for Porting to Autoconf and Automake I wanted to make a very small tweak to a...
- SMILE QIF Generator in Vim Script Since as of late I’ve been playing about with web...
- "There is no such thing as waterproof" ‘tis true. At least as far as cycling is concerned....
- November 2012
- October 2012
- CPU and Memory Usage in tmux Status Bar on OSX (Bear in mind I’m stuck on 10.5.8 so this post...
- » Ghosts of History Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse, historical consultant, overlays and combines photos from...
- Microshift Since I’ve had about half a year now on the...
- Merging Cells of a Column for a Row Subgroup in R Data.Table A very long winded title for what I thought should...
- September 2012
- August 2012
- » Building STFL on OSX 10.5 PPC One step closer to getting Newsbeuter building on OSX PPC....
- Adventures in Lisp; Lastpass to PWman After tinkering with Haskell (still not finished there, this is...
- Counting Number of Days Holiday from Remind Like a lot of folk I need to keep track...
- Faster, Stingier, Longer Three fairly recent cycling firsts for me. I finally got...
- » Abook Contact Importer After much umming and erring I decided to use abook...
- July 2012
- » TTYtter-profile Extension I had no intention of doing this today, it just...
- » Hövding Invisible Bicycle Helmet Now this looks damn clever. Given my recent post I...
- Some Notes on Getting Haskell Running on OSX 10.5 PPC Some brief notes on how I got Haskell up and...
- "Found 25944 total files (that's not much mail)" Actually, I think you’ll find it is Processed 25944 total...
- » Bash Dropbox Uploader This is mega handy! It only needs Bash and cURL....
- » HaskerDeux My second little command line project of the year. This...
- The Great Cycle Helmet Debate Oddly, I started writing this up just before it cropped...
- June 2012
- » In Vim, prevent caret moving back when I leave edit mode? A quicky. This has bugged me for ages, but I...
- Film in the Cloud After a long hiatus I finally managed to get some...
- Until I can afford Linode I liked this post awhile back about using an iPad...
- Scrobbling to libre.fm - Update Another little update post. Annoyingly, as soon as I got...
- A .vimrc Update I thought rather than update a three year old post...
- May 2012
- April 2012
- Marigolds and Carrier Bags Marigolds work: Carrier Bags don’t. Until I can afford to...
- Two Broken Spokes... …should not have caused this much trouble: Cycling home I...
- "Come on legs!" A rallying call to myself. Cycling for me is an...
- The Little Chainring vs Macho Macho Man With all that time spent cycling fixed gear I just...
- March 2012
- CMUS and offline scrobbling to Last.fm and Libre.fm As mentioned here I’ve (somewhat) recently moved to using CMUS...
- To the Command Line, Batman! For reasons that I am unable to properly explain (to...
- » SNose - Simplenote Object Synchronisation (Explicit) A little Python command line app I wrote that uses...
- "Cycling saved my life" I wouldn’t say I’m in anyway as near as dark...
- February 2012
- January 2012
- December 2011
- November 2011
- Winter checklist There’s currently no sign of snow. But a month or...
- Looping Through Figures, Sweave vs Tikz (pgfSweave) Almost as soon as you start using R you hear...
- Fatigue Not of me, of my handlebars. Didn’t really think this...
- » Resizing VirtualBox Disk Images This is a link to a link, which I almost...
- Recently Found and Listened I was a bit worried that with the demise of...
- » Formartine and Buchan Way Since I had my winter tyres on, a lower gear...
- October 2011
- "And don't worry about the studs damaging your inner tubes. They won't. The tires are carefully designed to prevent the studs from puncturing the tube... As tires age, the casing deteriorates, and then the studs can push through the casing..." Had to swap to my winter tyres this weekend. Weather...
- Data.Table Dingleberry It’s not the first time (and I’m sure it won’t...
- September 2011
- August 2011
- Catching up with TLOBF and Guardian New Band of the Day I’d fallen a bit behind (and have again, already, but...
- » Kyle Bean's Portfolio This guy has talent. I love the Hen.
- Free Handlebar Tape The el-cheapo bar tape I put on last year was...
- » My Thoughts on The Cloud (Work in Progress) Because I never seem to find motivation to finish writing...
- » ...ts Cont’d from Just another excuse for my employer never to...
- » Sublime Text 2 I think I remember seeing this a while back (Ah,...
- July 2011
- Some cycling myths To go hand in hand with my last post celebrating...
- 1 year, 1 gear and 8448 Miles (or a more impressive sounding 13596 km, or over a...
- Fear of Big Slides When I was a kid I remember going to some...
- Creating a (Feeda)Fever Shared Items Page In a vain attempt to slightly de-googlefy my life, and...
- » Own Your Identity I almost agree; the principle is right. I used to...
- 1hr 2mins was the official time on the clock, but... Have to then put phone in bag and then put...
- June 2011
- Smile.co.uk Bank QIF Generator Bookmarklet Errr… didn’t mean to end up doing this today yesterday....
- No Balls It’s fair to say I’ve been more frustrated than a...
- » Back Issues update (Issue oooh, back issues available online. I didn’t realise. This is...
- "They must knock at random doors and yell at whoever answers “If these houses hadn’t been built I could have DRIVEN through here, now GET OUT THE WAY."
- "cycling releases a chemical in the brain that makes you feel utterly smug and superior for the rest of the day."
- Recently Listened And a whole heap of other stuff I’ve been listening...
- May 2011
- » Using Github Issues as a Commenting System for Jeykll Blogs Very clever! Think I’ll stick to Disqus for the time...
- » Flickr Finally Provide Account Restoration It’s been a problem for a looooooong time, the only...
- » Unofficial TeuxDeux API And it’s in Ruby, of course. Very clever, top marks...
- Odd Future. My! Certainly, it is. I’ve had a glimpse of something I now wish I...
- Don't Wait For Me It seems like I’ve been waiting ages (hang on, it...
- » Multiple Tab Handler for Firefox This is great and works well with my use of...
- Some More Thoughts on Firefox 4 and TenFourFox As a result of my FormData frustrations I thought I’d...
- Top tips for replacing bearings Don’t leave it until they are completely destroyed. For bottom...
- Pinboard Save Tabs and Camino (almost!) I really like Pinboard and I’m probably as thankful as...
- Fixed Gear and Destruction of the Drive Train. Replaced my bottom bracket the other day after it failed...
- A few notes on using Jekyll (and Liquid) (since that’s what I’m now using) Pagination - It is...
- April 2011
- » MaxiVision Meant to mention this about three months ago, when it...
- Pinboard to Camino, Take two I live by the “It’s Cool to be Crap” motto...
- » TenFourFox On a PPC web browser note, came across this recently....
- » The Future of Camino This caught me a bit off guard and it must...
- » Learn You a Haskell now in print Talking of Haskell, the excellent Learn You a Haskell website...
- Selection Sort in Haskell For me there is just no such thing as spare...
- Twitter Lists I’ve struggled with these since start. I think they are...
- Judge a Book by its Cover and a Band by its Name I’ve done quite well on listening to new stuff lately,...
- » Solarized Very polished and well presented colour-scheme for Vim (and more)....
- March 2011
- » Boardman Bikes : Cyclocross CX I want all three. Don’t need them, just want them....
- » rstat.us The Twitter kick-in-the-pants to developers earlier this month cause a...
- Spring (Almost) It’s spring. Almost/maybe/soon (it definitely was for a bit, but...
- » BBC News - In pictures: The beauty of the bicycle
- » One Gear, One Bike, No Brain I often think about that phrase “All the gear, no...
- February 2011
- Aperture Collages I knew you could use light tables to put together...
- Pinboard Bookmark Importer for Camino It’s been awhile since I had a play with Applescript,...
- 40/16? The wind and winter tyres are wearing me down. At...
- Some other stuff I've been listening to As well as my foray into Dubstep some other stuff...
- » The challenge: get back in the saddle Makes for scary reading. I don’t know if I agree...
- Genre-lisations Or subtitled “Oh! So that’s what Dubstep is, then.” I...
- » Post to Tumblr from Flickr This looks fab. Going to give this a whirl soon...
- January 2011
- TeuxDeux The sheer number of todo and task management applications is...
- Debugging XSLT files for Webkit Annoyingly Webkit browsers give bugger all feedback if there are...
- An Update on the Light The only negatives I’ve found with this light are the...
- Wide Boy Although the current mild weather is lulling me into a...
- "We had lunch: sandwiches, chocolate, raisins, a banana and some hard candies, but we had forgotten to bring anything to drink and the lunch exacerbated our thirst." My very darling wife* got me Ansel Adam’s Examples -...
- "As nutty as the smell of a freshly oiled chain" (I’ve run out of bike oil. The next nearest thing...
- » Announcing Green Shoes Website! announcing-green-shoes-website by zzak: I'm very pleased to announce that green_shoes...
- » Cycle: A List of Biking Dos and Don'ts Well, let’s just say that over the past month with...
- » CoffeeScript on Windows I found this post by Mikhail Nasyrov from an answer...
- » 52 cameras in 52 weeks Oh wow! Something to aspire to.
- "In a world of so many places there are more bloody wars than there are bloody races" More accurately, from a Blockhead Hardtimes T-Shirt that I owned...
- A Year in Review... Cycling This is the year when cycling changed from being just...
- A Year in Review... Code I started off the year quite involved with Shoes, but...
- A Year in Review... Art Photography It’s been a bad year. Due to reasons (holiday,...
- December 2010
- You just can't carry a car through snow Meant to write this with the last post, but as...
- Winter Cycling Who knows if there will still be snow by the...
- » Tips for Winter Cycling: Alastair Humphreys tips-for-winter-cycling-alastair-humphreys by markmywords: This guy is barmy… but it just...
- Well, you can't scrobble tapes anyway Last.fm seems to have decided to stop scrobbling anything for...
- » Hackety Hack: Merry Christmas (and a 1.0 announcement) merry-christmas-and-a-1-0-announcement by hackety: Merry Christmas, everyone! This year, I’ve got...
- "Added 6.7 million bookmarks in the last 24 hours. That's more than in the entire preceding year" Goodbye Delicious, hello PinboardIN
- November 2010
- » Shelf theme for WordPress & Tumblr by Hicksdesign I love the Flickr Set documenting the development.
- Vim R Plugin I am really growing to love R. I’d dabbled with...
- 'The Broken Spoke' and 'Always a Headwind, Never a Tailwind' Some very good (and very apt) alternative names that would...
- Busch & Müller Ixon IQ Last year I somehow got by on a combination of...
- October 2010
- "Cyclists all notice one another, so when we see something that looks somewhat like a bicycle yet places the rider in an odd position with his feet kicking at the air as if he's defending himself from an attacking eagle, we become confused and disoriented"
- Porridge for P-p-power! Whilst on a food related note. A lot of folk...
- Of Custard I like the idea of having a theme to a...
- Home-made Overshoes My cheapskate approach to life crosses all boundaries. I’d like...
- "He hadn’t gone a yard when– Bang! With open Jaws, a Lion sprang, And hungrily began to eat The Boy: beginning at his feet."
- » Red-R | visual programming for R This looks really interesting. Nodal based GUI and workflow to...
- My iPod Mini Lives One of mine and the missus’ best drunken rambling ideas...
- Invert a subset selection when using grepl in R One of those embarrassing Doh! moments to share with the...
- » Why do so many people still buy road bikes with drop bars but never ride in the dropped position? I just kind of stumbled across this massive thread from...
- Road Rage Animosity between motorists and cyclists is just a natural part...
- » Photographing cyclocross: let there be mud! Cyclocross does look like a lot of fun, but my...
- » I don’t pay road tax | At War With The Motorist I’m in two minds at the minute as to how...
- "It’s like ballet for angry gorillas on little fairy bicycles made out of wishes."
- September 2010
- Spinning What the hell is this all about? When I first...
- Touching Toes I’ve never been very supple. I can’t ever remember being...
- Some Notes on Developing Extensions for Chrome vs Firefox I recently developed a pretty basic extension for Chrome for...
- » Bitbucket joins Atlassian All accounts now have unlimited private and public repositories with...
- 100% Lycra Free Since I’ve never considered myself a proper cyclist I’ve never...
- Her Majesty's Right Cun... The HMRC recently ‘clarified’ part of the cycle2work scheme. Which...
- » Line of Best Fit Podcast Well! I never knew they did a podcast. Subscribed. Now...
- August 2010
- July 2010
- » ResophNotes - Quick Notes on Windows I’ve wanted (I think*) something like this on Windows for...
- "Minimise Class icons in diagrams. If enabled, then the attributes and operations compartiments will not be shown in the classes on the generated class diagrams. Note: This item is checked by default, and is overseen by many users, which are then surprised by the result." So something is enabled by default that surprises many users?...
- Currently Entertaining My Ears I need to get my life so it’s single piece...
- » On Camping vs Sinatra Magnus Holm’s email to the Hackety Hack mailing list. His...
- Back to Spreadsheets? Wesabe are shutting down. Which is disappointing, more than annoying;...
- June 2010
- May 2010
- » HacketyHack is a Ruby Summer of Code Project Shoes is the “soul” of HacketyHack. This is fantastic news....
- Vim Colour Schemes Owing to having to set-up Vim again on my work...
- » Shoes policeman builds for Linux ashbb is now knocking out recent Shoes builds for Linux...
- Some Ubuntu 10.04 Notes... …due to my unexpected Ubuntu trial at work. It’s bloody...
- » Firefox 4: the HTML5 parser – inline SVG and MathML It’s good to see Gecko pulling some punches at Webkit...
- Tying our Shoelaces It might be collectively slow progress, but progress is being...
- » Shoes and a Shotgun Whilst on the Shoes news, came across this recently which...
- April 2010
- » Idlewild to split… Who cares? | The Line Of Best Fit Read this a couples of days after I saw kisskitty’s...
- I Am the Mob! Ellie Goulding inspired I decided to dig out my Catatonia...
- » Pencil vs Camera via Flickr Blog. These are cool!
- Writing a Binary Search Or subtitled: Why turn down a chance to completely embarrass...
- » ‘Roid Week 2010, May 3 – 7 « Flickr Blog Yay! It’s almost that time again. And by hook or...
- » Indicommons iPhone Appp The Commons is arguably the best feature of Flickr and...
- » Antipodean - Force directed graph layout in JavaScript force-directed-graph-layout-in-javascript by http://dhotson.tumblr.com/post/520720950/force-directed-graph-layout-in-javascript I had a go at implementing a...
- Java, HTMLUnit and catching setTimeout exceptions Colour as bleeding obvious, but in HTMLUnit I could not...
- Vim and xmllint on Windows. I had occasion to get this working again. Not that...
- March 2010
- Shoeset A little Shoes app that generates tag clouds for a...
- » When will pixels become obsolete? I guess the answer is never? Came across this, from...
- Snow Leopard and Gems 'wrong architecture' Not that I’m on Snow Leopard yet (ever??), but should...
- » 31.536.000 SECONDS (Link to PDF Press Release). Great news for Polaroid fans,...
- Spring Cleaning As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve taken the...
- » HTML5 Outliner Extension for Chrome Really nifty little plug-in, not only for checking your HTML5...
- » H&FJ: Four Techniques for Combining Fonts h-fj-four-techniques-for-combining-fonts by dhotson: h-fj-four-techniques-for-combining-fonts by <cameronmoll: h-fj-four-techniques-for-combining-fonts by Hoefler &...
- Google Buzz Is (was anyway) Perfectly Private Enough, Thankyou I’ve missed the boat entirely with this as Google have...
- February 2010
- January 2010
- Kindle Books A different version of what I’ve posted elsewhere, but I’ve...
- My Last.fm Chart No.1s for 2009 Forgot to put this under my year in review post....
- » Vimeo goes mobile (at last!) Never been a big fan of YouTube and have always...
- Year End Review - Code Like photography, I’ve ended the year better skilled than I...
- Year End Review - Art Well, I say art, but at the moment it’s just...
- December 2009
- November 2009
- » Start a side project, says GitHub founder start-a-side-project-says-github-founder by dhotson: Pretty old, but worth a re-post I...
- New Tumblr iPhone/Touch app A quick test from the new app - native editing...
- Google Wave I didn’t bother registering interest in this when I first...
- » Camino 2 released I’ve been using Camino for a long time, since before...
- A good week of coding on Shoes Spurred on by Mental implementing keyup/down on Linux… …I had...
- October 2009
- » Quotepad Free and for Windows. The nearest thing I can find...
- » http://librelist.com/ Considering the demise of Google Groups, this looks like a...
- » Gmail Tasks app for the iPhone I love this app. It is the only app to...
- addEventListener in Chrome UserScripts Also, not necessarily related to the previous post, but something...
- Loading a Rich Text Editor using Chrome UserScript Chrome UserScripting doesn’t have the advantage of UnsafeWindow that GreaseMonkey...
- Backup coming to Tumblr Backup coming to Tumblr by <a class="p-author u-url" href="http://www.marco.org/214743206">marco</a>: I recognize...
- Fed up with Firefox I’ve had enough of Firefox freezing and locking up. I...
- Learning C Yesterday I decided I’d make a start on learning C...
- » Pavement Reunion Ok, so a bit behind with this post. But I...
- Github and Jekyll The geek side of me is really tempted to desert...
- » Chrome with IETab Oooh, so nearly a Firefox replacement for at work. It’s...
- September 2009
- More technical details about Google Chrome Frame more-technical-details-about-google-chrome-frame by jimray: I am completely smitten with Google Chrome...
- Ditching Spreadsheets for Budgeting I’ve been doing monthly budgets on spreadsheets since I finished Uni,...
- Github Works I’m fortunate in that I’m not particularly bothered about the...
- "Flip at the bottom. This is the image that has been better for me. Start out the same way as the previous technique. But instead, flip the pedal as close to 6 o’clock as possible" So a bit later than hoped for (although patience provided...
- "Most people shouldn’t be running their own blogging software. Services like Tumblr, Posterous and Blogger are excellent and free. WordPress.com, the hosted version of WordPress, gives you 90% of the benefits with none of the hassle." When I first started with a website I used Blogger...
- » iTunes 9 uses Webkit Finally! Although it seems not completely. I seem to remember...
- August 2009
- RubyInstaller for Windows, Ruby 1.9.1 Pain and installing libxml rubygem Unfortunately for me, Windows remains a daily fact of life,...
- » The Future of _why's Libraries such as Markaby and Hpricot the-future-of-whys-libraries-such-as-markaby-and by dhotson: the-future-of-whys-libraries-such-as-markaby-and by codefeed: With the sudden disappearance...
- » My 10 Favorite Things About the Ruby Language my-10-favorite-things-about-the-ruby-language by dhotson: Ruby is awesome. :-) Totally agree and...
- What happened to _why? what-happened-to-why by dhotson: what-happened-to-why by jack: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=773106 http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/9c5on/where_is_why/ Twitter and...
- » Shiny New Shoes A replacement mailing list set-up for Shoes developers.
- July 2009
- Taking off the stabilisers (again) I've been riding single speed for quite a while now....
- Beer foam will go down if you lick your finger and then stick it in the beer. beer-foam-will-go-down-if-you-lick-your-finger-and-then by dgblackout: (via fuckyeahfacts) Just tried it: results are...
- Domain name changes. Back to the start. About a year ago I got the i-5-m.net domain name,...
- » Tumblephone - Instant Mobile version of my site This is ace. I was wondering if anyone had done...
- Roo and 'OLE2 signature is invalid' If you get an "Ole::Storage::FormatError: OLE2 signature is invalid" error...
- » I'd like to like this, but I can't Google Reader has gained “Liking” posts, which is great and...
- » Not beautiful, but definitely not boring. “Not beautiful” maybe being a bit harsh, but it makes...
- » Worldwide Real-Time Firefox Download Stats I'm very much a webkit man nowadays, but Firefox still...
- » Potion - The Programming Language So this is what has been keeping Why busy. Suppose...
- "iPhone = my computer...Haven't bought new laptop since late 06" This is my thought exactly - although for me my...
- » Flickr2Twitter Flickr offically announced the short-url thing, along with a way...
- June 2009
- » Last.fm - Michael Jackson tracks played per hour That graph just rockets upwards. I played Michael Jackson vs...
- iPod Touch vs a Mac vs a PC (SunSpider javascript benchmarks) 1st Place My new main computing platform: iPod Touch 2nd...
- Bye Bye Kodachrome (and 110 format film!) So Kodachrome is being discontinued after 74 years. I haven't...
- » The Incredible Century Old Color Photography of Prokudin-Gorsky Worthy of a look: The photos are amazing. I'm pretty...
- "...And we don't need any magical require statements to use them!...Rip requires no changes to your code, only an optional deps.rip file added to the root of your project. As a result you do not force Rip on anyone else and individuals are free to re-package your code using other systems...Currently it's UNIX-only." It does sound interesting, I was hoping that it would...
- » EasyGrep An indispensable VIM plugin if you are looking for an...
- "... download ruby-1.8.6 installer and take all (C:\ruby\bin\*.dll) and paste in the new ruby 1.9.1 path c:\ruby191\bin" Maybe slightly abusing the Quote style post on Tumblr, but...
- » Early Google Chrome builds for Mac and Linux Webkit browsers are really kicking Gecko based one's at the...
- How Do We Jump This High? Right, let's try out some reblogging and then crowbar in...
- May 2009
- Vim (because everyone has got to have their own Vim post)...
- » Awkward Family Photos I particularly liked the Winnie the Pooh one.
- Shoes Three years ago I used Ruby to write my first...
- » WolframAlpha It's not like it isn't already linked all over the...
- » http://flic.kr/p/6oAMHg Flickr Short URLs have been around for a little while,...
- "...So I buy old pairs of spectacles from junk shops and when I meet a dog in the park I put a pair of spectacles on him. Of course, he shakes his head and they drop off sooner or later, so that is why there are pairs of spectacles in odd places in my pictures." Illustrator of The Oxford Reading Tree series, aka: The Magic...
- Almost Valid I've tweaked the (x)HTML and CSS so it gets as...
- What to write here Interesting personal blogs are written about things the writer is...
- There vs Here (before Tumblr) The only 'old' post I'm going to import. For a...
- Back to the party A few years ago now I first got on the...
- March 2009
- February 2009
- December 2008
- November 2008
- August 2008
- June 2008
- March 2008
- December 2007
- November 2007
- October 2007
- April 2007
- December 2006
- November 2006
- September 2006
- August 2006
- Moving servers I've taken the leap and I'm ditching dotmac for a...
- Things I thought I'd done It's so annoying to say you've done a load of...
- Further hosting possibilities Media72 are a very impressive, new (to hosting) UK based...
- FCE fxscripts by Piero Piero Fiorani now has his own site up. Head over...
- Well what was the point in that then? Articles like this: To Hell with WCAG 2 and this:...
- Opening doors behind the scenes A long, long time ago I once validated my website...
- July 2006
- June 2006
- ...and comments Freebie comments via Haloscan now available so you can all...
- Search my site If you can find out how, you can now find....
- Ruby Rocks I'm not really sure what first got me interested in...
- No more Final Cut Express for me I was hoping to make a post of this title...
- Is OSX the path to or from Linux? I've read these posts with great interest about why someone...
- March 2006
- February 2006
- EBay vs .Mac Bandwidth. .Mac loses. I've just checked my dotmac bandwidth usage to find that...
- Camino 1.0 My favourite mac browser out there got to it's 1.0...
- XHTML1.1 as text/html I know I'm not supposed to serve XHTML1.1 as text/html,...
- Cleaner stuff my end Pretty much since I've had this site back up I've...
- Sometimes at work I do work (kind of) I've been fiddling with VBA. it isn't nice, but is...
- Puzzle TV If I had any talent in skating, filming or editing...
- Nanoblogger Updates Oooh, now on 3.3 RC4. Which was a bit of...
- January 2006
- PieroFi5m Timecode Display Filter v3.0 for FCE Download: FCE Timecode Display Downloads Unbeknown to each other Piero...
- Category Feeds Now Available Don't applaud, it's not like it required any effort on...
- Rounded Corners Since I'm skint I'm afraid I can only afford to...
- Fieldlife on your Video iPod One of the problems with hosting on .mac and using...
- Cropping in Quicktime Pro A limitation of FCE is that you are stuck with...
- View Images Actual Size - Applescript for GraphicConverter Download: i5m-GraphicConverter_View_actual_size I really like Gimp since it allows you...
- Destructive editing in FCE I thought I'd already covered this. Anyway, many folks moving...
- December 2005
- iMovie DV Stream to Final Cut Express Media Convertor Download: i5m_iMovie2FCE v0.9 It's an Applescript droplet that you can...
- Gimp Image slicing plugin for use with Motion 2 Download: i5m-image-subdivide.zip A very clever man called Patrick Sheffield posted...
- Uploading the right stuff Nanoblogger, is great and all that for static and local...
- Loser Oh well, didn't even even make the runners up in...
- Continuing CSS Mods A few more recent tweaks to get my inline images...
- FCE - Mono Pair to Stereo If, for whatever bizarre reason, FCE decides to capture or...
- iTunes script - Set Composer to Album Download: Set Composer to Album - Applescript for iTunes What...
- iTunes Script - Only Albums Download: OnlyAlbums - Applescript for iTunes What it does:This script...
- iTunes Script - Add Wishlist Item Download: Add Wishlist Item - Applescript for iTunes What it...
- iPhoto Colour[Color] Shift, iPhoto 5.0.4, 10.4.3 Been doing a bit of investigation of the ColorSync issues...
- Image Galleries I've had right fun with these (really). There are obviously...
- Welcome Back Welcome back! This site has been down for over a...
- November 2005
- LiveType Quality Issues After a few months I finally had one of those...
- Importing iMovie Captures OK, here's what I'd do based on what I've tried...
- FCE Timecode Display Plugin Since FCE lacks the ability to display the timecode of...
- FCE Counter A filter to display a clock/counter on the clip. Inspired...
- FCE Batch Capture using XML As we already know it can be done (Search Final...
- FIELDLIFE Skating was part of my life since I was about...
- October 2004
- September 2004
- July 2004
- May 2004
- September 2003
- August 2003
- July 2003
- May 2003
- Moblogging So there are ways (Manywhere - Moblog and a perl...
- Films Well haven't managed to catch Matrix Reloaded yet, the opening...
- Bluetooth Honestly, this whole bluetooth thing rocks. I get SMS messages...
- Bluetooth Sync On a plus point, I've got my D-Link bluetooth adaptor...
- Spotted He's noticed that I found him, still I can feel...
- Unless - Carol Shields What else have I been doing? I read Unless by...
- Found him! I found one of my friend's from School the other...
- April 2003
- March 2003
- February 2003
- January 2003
- November 2002
- Harry Potter Way hey! More drunken posting. So I said I'd write...
- Small Achievements Small achievements in life are what please me, even if...
- Winter Skates Well winter is here. Arse. I can remember the last...
- New Beer This stuff is my new beer. I seem to have...
- Atomised The most semi-interesting thing is that the other week, due...
- Barca editing Have started to off load some of my Barcelona footage....
- October 2002
- September 2002
- No skating So I can't skate for a few weeks while I...
- Huddersfield to Barcelona 2002 tour (piss-up) As a warning: this piece has taken me ages to...
- Back Home Well, back home a day early. Gutted and glad all...
- Notes from EasyInternet Cafe in Barca Well I am in Barcelona, not that anyone reads this...
- Site Launch So the idea of my own site has been kicking...
- Reading Festival Anything interesting recently? Hmmm.Went to the Reading Festival. Everyone I...
- OSX fulltime, finally Been spending most of this week finally upgrading to Mac...
- First Post! Well here we go then...After playing about with mozblog I've...