I started writing this normally and bits of it accidently came out as a really shitty poem so I decided, what the heck, I’d just go with it. Some of the original meaning is probably lost. Oh well.

It’s not that I hate each pedal and push
but this winter has been darker than most

My journey each way has often been fuelled
by hatred so strong it has me consumed

It is better, I suppose, I berate the wind
instead of the people that wait either end

It allows me to arrive in a reasonable mood,
keep peace where I need it, no need to brood

It is partly my fault - I am to blame -
unrealistic hopes let rose again

Although, no doubting, there is some amplification:
my thoughts have only the dark for association

There is literal light, at least, on the horizon
even if the figurative still seeks evasion

Spring will soon arrive and restore needed sanity
it does each year:



Time estimated. And yes, I needed to wangle the “two” in.