
Mostly walking the dogs

Twitter Application Suspension Notice

"This is a notice that your app - - has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API. Please visit to sign up to our new Free, Basic or Enterprise access tiers. More information can be found on our developer community forums."

by Twitter Developer Platform

I need to untangle my Twitter integration for notes. I could actually sign up again to their free tier for what I do, but now seems a good time to just let Twitter go. I might actually end up using notes more now I’m not syndicating out. I like just shouting into the void.

Netbsd Install From Linode Volume Woes

After scaling my NetBSD install down to Nanode I had planned to take advantage of Linode volumes to perform my NetBSD upgrades as I had in the past:

  1. Use a volume to attach and mount to the rescue image so I have enough space to download and extract the NetBSD USB image (this still works well)
  2. Use a volume attached to the rescue image, but not mounted, to dd the NetBSD installer image onto and then boot from this volume (this sadly doesn’t work)

Linode do support booting from volumes, but it wouldn’t boot for me. I tried using dd and pv, but it made no difference. Maybe it’s just an issue with Direct Disk kernels?

Anyway, since I didn’t have time for experimenting and investigating any further I went for sysupgrade instead which fortunately worked a treat and meant I finally got to NetBSD 9.3.

Just as I published this post I found this in the Linode Community.

[EDIT: 2022-11-11] I forgot to mention that the whole reason this took me so long is because of this: I have to use the “family” computer, which is basically my daughter’s, so that means when she’s at school, but then, of course, most of that time I’m working. Sigh.

Twenty Years

Twenty years old today. Very anti-climatic. Ten years ago I wondered what my site would look like in another ten years and it turns out to be exactly the same. Oh well. As the years go on I just seem to have less and less time for tinkering, which I don’t really understand, but I am glad I’ve kept it going at least.

Twenty years is longer than my marriage and older than my younger daughter.

Probably a change should be brewing… I’ve given up with photography (and thus “picture” - I didn’t want to, but I just became realistic) and running might be over as well (can I count yoga as “push”?).

Scaling My Netbsd Install Down To Nanode

As a recent cost saving measure I downgraded my Linode to the Nanode plan. I was actually only using around 25GB of the 50GB disk I had available anyway on the previous plan, it’s just that I had it spread out over three 10GB partitions (/home, /usr, /) and then I kept another couple of disks for a NetBSD install image and a scratch disk I could use when in rescue mode (so I could download a new NetBSD image and extract it for copying to the install disk).

I.e. day to day I could easily fit in 25GB… I just needed the extra for upgrades. Now Linode have block storage (they’ve had it for ages… I move slowly) I can add a volume or two just for when I need to upgrade stuff and then remove it afterwards. That’s my plan anyway.

Memory-wise I was also sitting within 1GB of RAM. The most memory intensive thing I ran was the Keybase client for, very rarely, chatting to people. I can just not use it and I should be fine with only 1GB RAM.

To scale down I needed to get my 10GB root partition down to a 5GB disk. You can’t scale down raw disk images on Linode so I roughed out a plan in my head for doing this along the lines of:

  1. Add new, smaller 5GB disk for root (since I had enough spare on the larger plan)
  2. Also add a new, temporary, disk to dump to
  3. Reboot in single user. Don’t mount /usr and /home
  4. Dump old root to the temp disk, e.g: dump -0af /dump/root.dump /
  5. Restore dump to new root disk, e.g: cd /newroot; restore -rf /backup/root.dump
  6. Adjust Linode config to boot off the new root disk and reboot to check it works
  7. Shutdown Linode
  8. Remove all other Linode disks so I’m within 25GB
  9. Resize
  10. Restart

It didn’t quite work. I forgot / realised too late simply dumping and restoring root would not result in a bootable disk (maybe it would if I was better with disklabel) so I had to tweak things a bit. I’d also glossed over the details of setting up new disks so somewhere in the middle of the above I also did:

  1. Create a Linode configuration that boots my NetBSD install image, but also has the new 5GB disk attached
  2. Install NetBSD to this new 5GB disk (which also made adding swap easier)
  3. Reboot again with old root in single user mode with new 5GB disk attached
  4. Mount root as read/write so I could do stuff: mount -u /
  5. Partition dump disk disklabel -i -I wdX, etc
  6. Add filesystem: newfs /dev/wdXa
  7. mkdir /dump and mount /dev/wdXa /dump
  8. Dump out old root
  9. Mount new root and delete everything under it
  10. Restore the dump of old root in that mount
  11. Reboot a config using the new root to check it all works

It wasn’t too stressful in the end and worked pretty well. I messed up my bootblocks again and only have Glish working right now, but will fix that again at a later (upgrade) date.

When I started on Linode, and had less money than I have now, I was paying $20 a month; Probably the exchange rate was pretty good then though. I’ve been at the $10 plan for years. Seems crazy I’m now on the $5 plan. But it’ll all help with the cost of running shoes… I could do with two new pairs already.

Spamhaus SBL-CSS and Linode

I discovered, thanks to someone on the NetBSD mailing list, that I’d ended up on SpamHaus’s SBL-CSS list. After an initial panic/worry that I’d been compromised (I am pretty locked down, but there is some software I run that has that potential; I guess almost everything does) I was just about ready to let rip into Spamhaus for being unappointed internet police (which is kind of true) when I decided to get in touch with them on Twitter and they were actually really helpful.

It turned out they do actually cover my scenario in their docs (right at the bottom there is a note about Linode), but I either hadn’t noticed that bit or was looking in the wrong place.

Linode provided me with my own /64 straight away and then I “just” had to make use of that:

  • Added new DNS entries for a new domain pointing to a new ipv6 address
  • Updated my SPF DNS entry
  • Setup reverse DNS on Linode (which is a bit confusing as you can add multiple entries when you have a whole /64)
  • Edited /etc/postfix/ and set myhostname to the new one
  • Just in case also /etc/myname
  • I had just been using ip6mode="autohost" in /etc/rc.conf, but had to go back to using a /etc/ifconfig.wm0 file and adding static inet and inet6 entries:

      inet6 2a01:7e00:e000:035b::1 prefixlen 64 alias

    I switched ip6mode to just host, but haven’t rebooted yet so that could be wrong. I just restarted the network and ifconfig shows both addresses - that’s good.

Hopefully that means I’m now sending mail from a “good” ipv6 address, although hard to know for sure as you need a ipv6 address to test against.

In an attempt to verify (by using CheckTLS’s TestSender) I realised I’d not actually got TLS setup properly for sending; I had sometime ago got around to using Let’s Encrypt for receiving, but never mentioned it here. All I really needed for sending was:

-o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt$
-o tls_preempt_cipherlist=yes$

Which I’d inadvertently left commented out in /etc/postfix/ (after the submission and smtpd bit), although I tweaked some other bits in /etc/postfix/ based on (the now out of date, but better than nothing) BetterCrypto guide.

As a result of that, I then ended up updating some TLS settings for my website (ciphers, TLS versions, DNSSEC, etc) to get my rating up; All futile really for a personal website, but oh well.

Upgraded to Jekyll 4

Somewhat recently I got around to upgrading to Jekyll 4. I don’t like to rush into things. There’s nothing visibly different on this site, but building is a bit quicker for me; On that note I’ve never understood the obsession of those folk with blogs with about ten posts total on them who spend ages finding a static site generator that will allow them to generate their site in 0.000001 seconds… only for them to never post again after making a post about switching their site to that; For what it’s worth Jekyll builds my site of around a thousand posts in about 14 secs now - even my busy schedule can afford to wait that many seconds.

As well as having to remove a lot of baseurl from posts and includes, upgrading was a bit of an arse as Jekyll now requires sassc-ruby even though I don’t use or care about this (perhaps I should… if I can ever be bothered to update the visual style of my site again).

As with all things that get re-written in another language to make them more portable, it actually ended up less portable as it doesn’t build by default on NetBSD. The main issue seems to be that it uses a -march=native flag:

-march=native causes the compiler to auto-detect the architecture of the build computer. At present, this feature is only supported on GNU/Linux, and not all architectures are recognized. If the auto-detect is unsuccessful the option has no effect.

Which is the very definition of non-portable. Fortunately someone had fixed in pkgsrc which saved me from figuring it out, but it was for Ruby 2.6 only so I then had to update Ruby as well which had knock on effects of rebuilding vim, etc… all of which takes me time to sort out.

Probably someone should make a PR against ruby-sassc to fix properly. If I have a spare moment ever…

Anyway, this is just a non-post to say I’ve upgraded to Jekyll 4, but that it makes absolutely no difference to you.

(Finally) Using https for my Fossil repos

Since I started using HAProxy there has been nothing stopping me from using TLS for my fossil repos apart from finding the time to do it; I suppose it’s not been that long since I migrated the bulk from github, even though it has been ages since I started hosting fossil.

I just needed to update my cert to include the fossil domain, tweak my haproxy.cfg to add a new backend:

backend fossil
	mode http
	option httpchk
	# This ones gives a 501
	http-check expect status 501
	server fossil check

(I am being lazy with my http checks)

and tweak the frontend section to route to this backend:

frontend https
	bind :::443 v4v6 ssl crt /usr/pkg/etc/haproxy.crt no-sslv3
	http-request redirect prefix https://%[hdr(host),regsub(^www\.,,i)] code 301 if { hdr_beg(host) -i www }
	reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
	acl fossil-acl hdr_beg(host) -i fossil
	use_backend fossil if fossil-acl
	default_backend bozohttpd

And lastly, coming up with a crappy rc.d file so I can start fossil as a server:

# $NetBSD: fossil

# PROVIDE: fossil
# REQUIRES: network

$_rc_subr_loaded . /etc/rc.subr

command="/usr/bin/su -m fossil -c '/usr/pkg/bin/fossil server --port 18080 --localhost --https --repolist /home/fossil/repos &'"

load_rc_config $name

run_rc_command "$1"

Previously I was using fossil in http mode via inetd.

Could do with writing that a bit better, but it does the job for now.

Oh, actually that wasn’t “lastly”. The last thing I needed to do was update all the headers of the skins for each Fossil repo to use secureurl instead of the default baseurl:

<base href="$secureurl/$current_page" />

which was a little bit tedious (like how you can have login-groups with Fossil it would be nice to have a “skin-group” to set one skin across all repos).

Fossil is super nice for self-hosted stuff and personal projects, you really should try it if you haven’t; It would also be nice to for group projects, but it’s hard to argue against the Github ecosystem.

Yet Another HAProxy and Let's Encrypt post

It’s what the world needs.

I caved in and decided to use HAProxy in front of Bozohttpd so I could:

  1. Redirect http to https
  2. Redirect www to just the domain (only just fully finished this bit)

The fiddly bit with Let’s Encrypt and HAProxy is handling the renewal of the cert. All the posts I’ve found either do the simple, but reliable, approach of stopping a web-server, running a renewal using --standalone and then re-starting a web-server, or the slightly more advanced approach of using --standalone on a non-standard port with a HAProxy rule that passes through to it as needed. But why not use --webroot instead?

Since I used --webroot originally I just have a couple of cron entries that run:

/usr/pkg/bin/certbot renew --renew-hook /usr/local/bin/

The --renew-hook only gets called if the certificate is actually renewed. Where that script is:

#! /bin/sh
# TODO: Really, this should be a /etc/rc.d reload script
cat /usr/pkg/etc/letsencrypt/live/ /usr/pkg/etc/letsencrypt/live/ > /usr/pkg/etc/haproxy.crt
export conf_file=/usr/pkg/etc/haproxy.cfg
export pid_file=/usr/pkg/etc/
haproxy -f $conf_file -sf $(cat $pid_file) -p $pid_file -D

Which does the necessary bits of combining the two parts of the cert (I do like that bozohttpd doesn’t require this) and then doing a hot reload of the HAProxy configuration so that the HAProxy is serving the new cert.

Then in my haproxy.cfg I have a http frontend with these rules:

frontend http
	bind :::80 v4v6
	acl letsencrypt path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/
	acl http      ssl_fc,not
	http-request redirect scheme https if http !letsencrypt
	reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
	use_backend bozohttpd if letsencrypt

Which re-directs all http requests to a https frontend unless they match the Let’s Encrypt path, in that case they pass through to the backend as http - this is important as the webroot plugin can’t work over https (which seems a bit counter-intuitive for Let’s Encrypt).

Then I have a frontend for the https stuff as follows:

frontend https
	bind :::443 v4v6 ssl crt /usr/pkg/etc/haproxy.crt no-sslv3
	http-request redirect prefix https://%[hdr(host),regsub(^www\.,,i)] code 301 if { hdr_beg(host) -i www }
	reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
	default_backend bozohttpd

Which serves the actual Let’s Encrypt cert and also redirects the www prefix to the main domain. The backend is nothing fancy at all:

backend bozohttpd
	mode http
	# Since the check doesn't pass a domain it will 404
	option httpchk
	http-check expect status 404
	server bozo check

And this works lovely.

However, one VERY IMPORTANT thing to be aware of if you are using IPv6 and you starting seeing timeouts reported during renewals or dry-runs of renewals it is GUARANTEED to be due to your site not resolving over IPv6. There are many posts about this on the Let’s Encrypt forums and all of them start with that “definitely not being the problem” and end with “Oh, actually it was”. I too ran into this issue, but hadn’t realised as my IPv6 access had broken at home (and I hadn’t realised) and had also been broken on my server for months (and I hadn’t realised) even though I appeared to have an IPv6 address.

I’d originally only generated a certificate for, but of course if I want to redirect www to my plain domain I also actually need the certificate to be valid for www as well. It took me a little bit to figure out how to do this. I basically relied on Bozohttpd’s virtual host support and created a /var/www/vroot/ directory (rather than to try to do further clever redirection in the HAProxy) for the sole purpose of serving up the acme-challenge stuff. Then with the above HAProxy setup this worked:

sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/vroot/ -d -w /var/www/vroot/ -d --cert-name

[EDIT: 2018-11-23] See: Adding a reloadcert command to /etc/rc.d/haproxy.

Redirecting From Http To Https With Bozohttpd

Following on from the previous post: I’m so slow/dumb sometimes. Of course it’s possible to redirect http requests to https with Bozohttpd, the very fact I’m running two instances of this makes this possible.

For the httpd (non-https) instance configure it with a different virtual root directory, e.g:

httpd_flags="-S bozohttpd -v /var/www/vredirectroot -M .html 'text/html; charset=utf-8' '' '' -M .xml 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' '' ''"

Then within that directory create the virtual host directory so you have a path like so:


And then within that directory just place a .bzabsredirect file:

sudo ln -s .bzabsredirect

Restart that bozohttpd instance:

sudo /etc/rc.d/httpd restart

And “hey presto!” it works.

[EDIT: 2017-07-31] Spoke too soon. It’s too simplistic. It redirects just the path with the .bzabsredirect file is. So although merrily redirected to an existing blog post like just 404s. Poop. Ok, I think I’ll have to go back to duplicating http and https again for the time being otherwise I’ll break a load of links - well a handful. One thing .bzabsredirect will work for is redirecting on it’s own, I’d just left that broken for now. I might take a look at HAProxy as I’m not moving off Bozohttpd.

Now Serving Https As Well

Since it’s 2017 and that; Didn’t want to rush into this. Thought I should finally enable TLS/SSL since it’s free. I’m not sure I entirely agree with the arguments for a site like mine (wouldn’t metadata be the biggest problem?), but it’s pointless trying to argue against the tide; One thing though: Zscaler, anyone who has had to browse through that realises that TLS/SSL isn’t bulletproof. I understand why that exists as a product, but, gah, as an end user it’s just horrible.

The EFF site will guide you down the certbot-auto route for NetBSD, which is silly as there is a py27-certbot package - just use that.

Bozohttpd works fine with Let’s Encrypt, the only issue is that it either serves https OR http, unfortunately not both at the same time. I haven’t yet figured out a way to redirect traffic between ports so that’s meant I’m effectively running two webservers at the moment as per this rc.conf approach. I.e:

  1. Duplicate /etc/rc.d/httpd to /etc/rc.d/httpsd.
  2. Edit and make sure to change name to httpsd and command so command is explicitly calling /usr/libexec/httpd
  3. Add a $procname=$name line (otherwise it’ll get confused between httpd and httpsd and think they are the same).
  4. Change required_dirs to $httpsd_wwwdir
  5. In rc.conf have both a httpsd=YES and a httpd=YES

Then I have the following entries in rc.conf for http:

httpd_flags="-S bozohttpd -v /var/www/vroot -M .html 'text/html; charset=utf-8' '' '' -M .xml 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' '' ''"

Whilst httpsd has these extras:

-Z /usr/pkg/etc/letsencrypt/live/ /usr/pkg/etc/letsencrypt/live/ -z 'EECDH+CHACHA20:EECDH+AES128:RSA+AES128:EECDH+AES256:RSA+AES256:EECDH+3DES:RSA+3DES:!MD5;'

The ciphers as advised here.

Since running two webservers isn’t ideal I think I’ll ultimately have to redirect all traffic with the firewall (or run a proxy I suppose?), but that is going to have to wait until I perform some server maintenance and finally switch from IPFilter to NPF (which I should be able to do now I’m running on KVM).

[EDIT: 2017-07-30] Note: It’s advisable to set procname in both /etc/rc.d files. I think otherwise the start up order matters (god knows how it gets confused, but I found setting procname in both worked).

These are the ten most recent posts, for older posts see the Archive.