Errr… didn’t mean to end up doing this today yesterday.

I bank with Smile, probably the most luddite “internet” bank account in the history of the universe, and to date have relied on (as have probably most Smile account holders) the very useful QIF generator by Dave Small (that blog comment is the only “official” post that I can find about the tool, I think most have come across it via word-of-mouth) to export my statements to PocketSmith. So all is usually well, and since laziness rules I’ve never bothered to write my own convertor. On occasion the tool has gone offline and I’ve gone looking at alternatives, but they’ve never really worked for me, and by the time I’ve finished looking and checked back again the 4square tool is usually back online.

However, on a couple of occassions recently the 4square website has been down (again not for long), but it’s been at a critical time for me (I need to know how skint I am NOW!). So I decided to finally stop being lazy and write my own back-up QIF-generator tool.

I thought about doing a user-script style extension or a browser add-on, but then thought a bookmarklet would be more cross platform (and simpler!).

So this is the source-code (In CoffeeScript):

#Bookmarklet to generate QIF for Recent Item and Previous Statement pages on bank
#Will (try to) open a new popup window where you will have to either:
#a) Copy text from and paste to text editor (Chrome)
#b) Save the page as a text file (Firefox)
#Written in Coffescript, but just use to compress the 
#compiled javascript so you have a bookmarklet.

data = document.getElementsByClassName("summarytable")[0].children[1].children

qif = "!Type:Bank<br />"
transaction = (row) -> 
	unless row.children[0].innerHTML.trim() is "&nbsp;" #skip last row on Recent Items page
		unless row.children[1].innerHTML.trim() is "BROUGHT FORWARD" #skip first row on Previous Statements page
			qif += "D"+row.children[0].innerHTML.trim()+"<br />"
			qif += "P"+row.children[1].innerHTML.trim()+"<br />"
			#Then need transaction amount
			unless row.children[2].innerHTML.trim() is ":&nbsp;"
				qif += "T"+row.children[2].innerHTML.trim().substring(1)+"<br />"
				qif += "T-"+row.children[3].innerHTML.trim().substring(1)+"<br />"
			qif += "^<br />"

transaction(row) for row in data"data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"+qif)

undefined #To get the void 0 bit so doesn't affect current window.

Link to gist

and this is the bookmarklet:

javascript:var data,qif,row,transaction,_i,_len;data=document.getElementsByClassName("summarytable")[0].children[1].children;qif="!Type:Bank<br />";transaction=function(row){if(row.children[0].innerHTML.trim()!=="&nbsp;"){if(row.children[1].innerHTML.trim()!=="BROUGHT FORWARD"){qif+="D"+row.children[0].innerHTML.trim()+"<br />";qif+="P"+row.children[1].innerHTML.trim()+"<br />";if(row.children[2].innerHTML.trim()!=="&nbsp;"){qif+="T"+row.children[2].innerHTML.trim().substring(1)+"<br />"}else{qif+="T-"+row.children[3].innerHTML.trim().substring(1)+"<br />"}return qif+="^<br />"}}};for(_i=0,_len=data.length;_i<_len;_i++){row=data[_i];transaction(row)}"data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"+qif);void 0;

(I’ll be buggered if I can get an actual bookmarklet link to display correctly via Markdown. I got almost there, but couldn’t stop RDiscount from turning the caret ^ into a <sup> element, so you’ll just have to copy the above text and manually add a new bookmark). The same bookmarklet works on both Recent Items and Previous Statement pages. A limitation of doing a bookmarklet is that I can’t generate a QIF file for download. All I can do is open up a web page that you can then save as a text file (add the “.qif” extension yourself) or copy and paste the text into a text editor and save as a QIF file - this is the same limitation that affects the OFX/CSV userscript (that only works on Previous Statement pages).

Came across an interesting issue whilst doing this in that it seems you can’t pass line breaks to a plain text file using the Data URI scheme. The only way to get a line break to show up is using text/html:

Doesn’t work:"data:text/plain;charset=utf-8, No \n line \n breaks");

Works:"data:text/html;charset=utf-8, Yes <br />line <br /> breaks");

[EDIT 04-Aug-2011: Updated link to new home of Dave Small’s Smile QIF Generator web page]