Or subtitled: Why turn down a chance to completely embarrass myself on the internet?

I read this post on Binary search on the Reinvigorated Programmer blog (In trying to learn more programming, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to read some programming blogs; plus as an unexpected bonus he likes Doctor Who) and thought I’d have a crack at it. However, the rules were a bit hard for me, namely:

“NO TESTING until after you’ve decided your program is correct.”

Even with Ruby, which I’m vaguely familiar with, I knew I couldn’t possibly write even the most basic program without resorting to trying out stuff in IRB. It’s the same as simple maths (times tables, etc) and spelling for me - I make no attempt to memorise this stuff when it’s easy to use a calculator, dictionary, etc. So that’s how my programming works. I can write a vague outline of the logic required in note form, but I need to use IRB or (if in another language) break my programme into chunks to compile and test, etc.

So, an honest a first attempt as possible (with just checking things like “How do ranges work in arrays again?” in IRB (told you it was embarrassing)) would be as follows:

First Attempt

#Assumes a pre-sorted array
def binsearch(array, target)
	m = (array.length/2).floor #round down 
	until array[m] == target
		#Find middle value of array
		m = (array.length/2).floor #round down 
		puts m
		#Which half contains target
		if array[m] > target
			#delete top half
			array = array[0..m]
			#delete bottom half
			array = array[m..-1]
	puts m
	puts target
	#Do we need to know where we found it?

This doesn’t work, the main problem being that I didn’t understand/forgot/didn’t-think-about-it-properly how the loop would check its condition. With m being updated at the start of the loop, it’s too late - the loop has begun so it’ll carry on and never break out of a loop.

Oh well, a bad first guess. At least with that out of the way I could try again, but this time I could test as I went along.

Second Attempt

def binsearch(array, target)
	#Find middle index of array
	m = (array.length/2).floor #round down
	until array[m] == target
		puts m
		#Which half contains target
		if array[m] > target
			#delete top half
			array = array[0..m]
			#delete bottom half
			array = array[m..-1]
		m = (array.length/2).floor #round down 
	puts "Value found is " + array[m].to_s
	puts "Target was " + target.to_s
	#Do we need to know where we found it?

The main change is moving the update of m from top of loop to end. This got it basically working. I then decided (and I don’t think this is a requirement of the task set) to report out the index of the array where the result was found (because to me there didn’t seem to be a lot of point searching for something without knowing where it is).

Third attempt

def binsearch(array, target)
	#Duplicate array so we have a copy of the original
	orig = array.dup

	#Find middle index of array
	m = (array.length/2).floor #round down
	#tracking index
	tidx = m
	until array[m] == target
		puts "m= " + m.to_s
		puts "tidx= " + tidx.to_s
		#Which half contains target
		if array[m] > target
			#delete top half
			array = array[0..m]
			subtractidx = true
			#delete bottom half
			array = array[m+1..-1]
			subtractidx = false
		m = (array.length/2).floor 
		if subtractidx == true
			tidx = tidx - m + 1
			tidx = tidx + m + 1
	puts "Value found is " + array[m].to_s
	puts "Target was " + target.to_s
	puts "Index of value is " + tidx.to_s
	puts "Value at index is " + orig[tidx].to_s

I’d mucked up splitting the arrays and had overlapping ranges, 0..m and m..-1 so fixed that here as well. This attempt seemed to be working ok, but having accidentally seen a bit of the next post that dealt with common bugs in other people’s attempts at this problem, I knew there were things I’d not done: such as dealing with elements not in the array, etc. So that would be the next effort. Fair enough I wouldn’t have got this with my first “paper” attempt anyway, but I would have twigged pretty soon with testing (and as I said, testing is how I develop).

Fourth attempt:

def binsearch(array, target)
	#Duplicate array so we have a copy of the original
	orig = array.dup
	found = true
	#Find middle index of array
	m = (array.length/2).floor #round down
	#tracking index
	tidx = m
	until array[m] == target
		puts "m= " + m.to_s
		puts "tidx= " + tidx.to_s
		#Which half contains target
		if array[m] > target
			#delete top half
			array = array[0..m]
			subtractidx = true
			#delete bottom half
			array = array[m+1..-1]
			subtractidx = false
		m = (array.length/2).floor 
		if subtractidx == true
			tidx = tidx - m + 1
			tidx = tidx + m + 1
		if array.length == 1 and array[m] != target #if not found
			found = false
	puts found
	if not found
		puts "Value not found"      
		puts "Value found is " + array[m].to_s
		puts "Target was " + target.to_s
		puts "Index of value is " + tidx.to_s
		puts "Value at index is " + orig[tidx].to_s

This still wasn’t completely right though. I.e. the index was not always right.

Fifth attempt

def binsearch(array, target)
	#Duplicate array so we have a copy of the original
	orig = array.dup
	found = true
	#Find middle index of array
	m = (array.length/2)-1
	#tracking index
	tidx = m
	until array[m] == target
		puts array.to_s
		puts "m= " + m.to_s
		puts "tidx= " + tidx.to_s
		#Which half contains target
		if array[m] > target
			#delete top half
			array = array[0..m]
			subtractidx = true
			#delete bottom half
			array = array[m+1..-1]
			subtractidx = false
		m = (array.length/2)-1 
		if subtractidx == true
			tidx = tidx - m - 1 
			tidx = tidx + m
		if array.length == 1 and array[m] != target #if not found
			found = false
	puts found
	if not found
		puts "Value not found"		
		puts array.to_s
		puts "m= " + m.to_s
		puts "tidx= " + tidx.to_s
		puts "Value found is " + array[m].to_s
		puts "Target was " + target.to_s
		puts "Index of value is " + tidx.to_s
		puts "Value at index is " + orig[tidx].to_s

Trying to get the index correct, but still crap. I did discover though that I didn’t need the floor method to round down, as that was happening anyway (see, further embarrassment). Decided to give up figuring this (index tracking) out. Must be a simpler way. Rather than split the array up, just change the range we are looking at:

Sixth (and final-ish) attempt

def binsearch(array, target)
	#Assume search suceeds
	found = true
	#initial lower, upper and middle indexes
	l = 0
	u = array.length-1
	m = (u-l)/2
	until array[m] == target
		#Visualise the search
		puts array[l..u].to_s
		puts "l= " + l.to_s
		puts "m= " + m.to_s
		puts "u= " + u.to_s
		#Which half contains target?
		if array[m] > target
			u = m #Set new upper boundary
			l = m + 1 #set new lower boundary
		m = (u-l)/2+l #set new mid point
		#Break if not found / out-of-range
		if l==u and array[m] != target
			found = false
	#Visualise search
	puts array[l..u].to_s
	puts "l= " + l.to_s
	puts "m= " + m.to_s
	puts "u= " + u.to_s
	if not found
		puts "Value not found"		
		puts "Value found is " + array[m].to_s
		puts "Target was " + target.to_s
		puts "Index found at is " + m.to_s		

Ok, so pretty happy with that. Seems to work ok. It’s longer than it needs to be thanks to all the puts statements, but I like seeing how it arrives at the solution. Seems to find values, return correct indexes, deal with values not in the array. But what about single element or zero element arrays (also accidentally peeked at)? Whoops no good.


binsearch([0], 1)
binsearch([-1], 1)
binsearch([-1], 0)

all just loop continuously, and

binsearch([], 1) 

throws an error.

Zero length arrays are not such a worry, easy to check for that up front (even for me!), but the single element one going into a continuous loop is a more of a concern. A crappy, but simple fix would be:

if array.length == 1
	if array[0] == target
		#Joy to the world
		#Best stop things now

But I’m sure there is a more elegant way?


I’d like to be able to use a get out clause:

I am confident that nearly everyone who reads this blog is already familiar with the binary search algorithm

and say “Well, nope I’m not familiar”, which I’m not, but I did understand the principle of the search. Really this just harks back to school Maths (which was a while ago for me) and iterative searches, etc. “Binary Search” is just different terminology. So no excuse really - I should have been able to figure it out. Perhaps what I should have done was forget the programming language aspect and just write it down logically/mathematically. Ah well, eager beaver and that.

Guess I have a long way to go yet if I want to be a programmer.